Scans: Tiny Titans #11 and #12

Feb 14, 2009 20:14

Tiny Titans is fun to post scans from because there's so little plot, it's mostly just a hysterical set of images.

Please take note: this post is probably the only place you will ever see me discussing how absolutely adorable Deathstroke and Trigon are.

But we'll start with Tiny Killer Kroc's advice on sending email, mostly because it features a majorly cute Clark and Lois.

Why is Kroc emailing Clark? There's got to be a fic there somewhere...

Tiny Barda learns the advantages to massive headgear!

More fun with Tiny Killer Kroc!

And a Bonus Pin-up of Alfred!  Who wouldn't want a pin-up of Alfred?

The main storyline in TT 12 involves Slade and Trigon wanting to spend more quality time with their kids.  So they put the lunch lady (Darkseid) in charge for the day and sneak out to have fun:

A Finals Crisis!  Aieee! brain hurts.  Slade surfing.  Trigon fishing in a straw hat.  *head explodes from irreconcilably cute images*

Also, the Finals Crisis story involves the following gag:

*groan*  Robin sneaks away while they're arguing, of course.

The artwork behind them (Flash!  The Batmobile!  Uh... a penguin!) also makes me chortle uncontrollably.

This title is undiluted awesome.

scans: tiny titans

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