Scans: President Luthor and the Kryptonite Ring Part 2

Jun 29, 2010 00:11

The story of President Luthor and the Kryptonite ring continues in Detective #756, which has some really strange art but such a gorgeous cover that I must share.  It also has Luthor siccing Superman on Batman and Lois to stop them from getting the ring!

Ninja Lois is smokin'.  Too bad she doesn't get a chance to wear that in the issue...

Batman and Lois sneak into the White House, using Lois's connections with her father to bluff her way around at times.  However, Luthor tells Superman to stop them both, and a fight breaks out between Superman and Batman while Lois watches in horror:

I think "You started it" is just about the best Batman retort ever, it's so deliberately childish.  :)

"If you'll pardon me, Mr. Secretary."  That's Batman, unfailingly polite even in the middle of a battle.  :D

Remember Clark clipping Batman's ear in that bottom panel, it'll come back later.

Oooooh, Bat-bondage!  *coughs*  Sorry.

With the bit of time Batman's bought them, he and Lois make it into the Oval Office and find the lead-lined casket with the Kryptonite in it.  But as they leave the room:

Man, I really love the tension of these exchanges with the four of them, it really crackles.

LOL, look at their postures and faces just before Lois tries to throw the ring away.  They are naughty, naughty boys.

I don't think "sheepish" is often a word applied to Batman's expression, but that's definitely what he looks like here.

I'll admit they totally suckered me, although I probably should have known better.  The whole fight is hilarious if you read it keeping in mind that they're faking it.  In fact, if you go back to the panel where Clark clips Batman's ear, you can see the corner of what seems to be a grin on Batman's face.

Of course, plot-wise there are a thousand things wrong with this story.  First, they risk having the whole thing fall apart because they didn't let Lois in on the plan, which is just silly.  She's as good an actor as either of the boys.  But it's kind of worth it for the reveal.  Also, any plan that relies on your opponent being smug enough to hand you the "fake" ring as a souvenir is pretty shaky...but then, I guess Clark and Bruce are experts at understanding criminals in general and Lex Luthor in particular.

And so Bruce, Clark, and Lois stroll off into the sunset with their prize.  The world really needs more Clark-Lois-Bruce friendship fic in canon or fanon, and this is good evidence of why--it's a lot of fun when done right.

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