FICLET: Gallantry (DCU, Harley/Eddie)

Jun 10, 2010 21:41

Title: Gallantry
Pairing/Characters: Harley/Eddie
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None needed
Summary: The Riddler finds Harley Quinn...discombobulating.
Word Count: 430
Notes: for ladyk_d_azrael. Mood: Thankful Prompt: 'They say chivalry is dead...'

Really, Eddie, you should be more careful. )

ch: harley quinn, p: eddie/harley, ch: edward nigma

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Comments 21

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mithen June 12 2010, 15:53:48 UTC
You know it took me about three minutes of staring and thinking to work out that simple anagram? See now, this is why I don't write the Riddler - he's much cleverer than I am!

Oh man, I'm hopeless with anagrams! If it weren't for anagram-making web pages I would be lost in writing Eddie. :)

I really loved the way the chivalry went both ways here - Harley being like 'Arkham's not so bad... I'll protect you' made my lip wobble a bit. I wish this was canon - so much!

Eddie/Harley are really my tragic OTP--all the more tragic because they never get angsty, they're just never really going to happen as long as Mr. J is out there. It makes for very fun writing, so I'm really happy you gave me the prompt! Thank yoU!


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mithen June 14 2010, 12:54:28 UTC
I would really like to see Harley move on for good too, to be honest. I suspect Joker is her "thing" like Bruce and his parents, or Dick in Bruce's shadow, or probably Damian and Talia will become--a recurring theme that's such a part of her character it will always come back. :( Still, it would be nice to see her just flat-out reject him at some point...


seiberwing June 10 2010, 13:16:44 UTC

And Schroedinger's mook and his reaction to it just amused me because it's such a Riddler thing.


mithen June 12 2010, 15:55:09 UTC
LOL, Eddie amused me there because I didn't expect his reaction to Schroedinger's mook, and he just stood there and rolled his eyes at me until I figured out why he couldn't continue, lol. Poor OCD Eddie... *oets him*


crimsonquills June 10 2010, 17:11:10 UTC
This is wonderful! I love Harley offering to protect him...kind of want to see that now, actually. *grins* And this

To draw pale curlicues, question marks on her skin.

startled me with how sensual it was.

Of course, I then spent three or four minutes staring at that anagram. LOL. My brain was insisting on keeping "heart" together, and I couldn't solve it until I got past that.


mithen June 12 2010, 15:57:19 UTC
That line startled me and Eddie both, lol! He strikes me as someone who'd be very uncomfortable with sensuality...

LOL, I'm just amazed anyone can figure the anagram out! I never, never could, anagrams are just not in my skill set at all.

I kind of want Harley protecting Eddie in Arkham now too! *goes to write it down on her bunny list*


crimsonquills June 15 2010, 19:58:45 UTC
He strikes me as someone who'd be very uncomfortable with sensuality...

I can totally see that. He's very intellectual, very focused on the mind, and a lot of folks like that get unsettled when their body intrudes on their thinking and/or reactions.

I kind of want Harley protecting Eddie in Arkham now too! *goes to write it down on her bunny list*



ilovetobefree June 10 2010, 18:34:47 UTC
considering he had been about to add a great deal of lead-based ventilation to Eddie's suit
Oh my! "lead-based ventilation" - I had to smile. :D)

There's a weak pulse under his fingers. "Thank goodness," he says without thinking.
I liked this reaction (so immediate and subconscious).

"Dead bodies tend to equal Batman tends to equal Arkham." Lecturing keeps him from showing how unpleasant he finds the idea of Harley in Arkham again.
WOW - That was nice how concerned was Eddie about Harley.

"If we ever end up in Arkham together, Eddie, I'll keep you safe. I promise." She kisses him on the cheek. "I wouldn't let anyone hurt my friends!"
AWWWW! Harley was amazing!

She knows he tends to speak in anagrams but she's never patient enough to figure them out.
Okay, I confess, I quite like anagrams in Czech. But in English...(It's not only about patience in my case. :))

"You're cute, Eddie."He is. He definitely deserves the second kiss ( ... )


mithen June 12 2010, 16:01:24 UTC
I liked this reaction (so immediate and subconscious).

I always love Eddie for his mixed-motives. At some level, I think he finds killing kind of crude and obvious, no aesthetic quality to it at all. :) And he does hate the idea of Harley in Arkham, just on general principle, I think.

*grin* The anagram is "dearest Harleen," but I would never ever see it myself if I hadn't made it (with help from an anagram web page!) I just can never see them...

I'm really glad you liked this, it was fun to write!


bwhahahabeck June 10 2010, 19:43:22 UTC
Heee, one of my favorite ships. <3


cold_nostalgia June 10 2010, 22:23:14 UTC
Thanks for sharing this, it was a lovely piece:)


mithen June 13 2010, 01:05:30 UTC
Thanks for reading and commenting! Also, lol at Ivy's expression in your icon...people who care about Harley seem to end up making that one a lot.


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