FIC: Leap of Faith

Jan 22, 2010 22:30

Title: Leap of Faith
Pairing/Characters: Clark Kent, Alfred Pennyworth, Batman
Rating: G
Warnings: None needed.
Summary: When billionaire Bruce Wayne pulls the plug on Clark Kent's expose of the Batman, Clark tracks down Wayne's butler to try and find out why.
Continuity: post-The Dark Knight
Word Count: 2300
Notes: A belated birthday gift for fictionalknight! ( Read more... )

ch: bruce wayne, ch: clark kent, ch: alfred pennyworth

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Comments 80

gogglehead84 January 22 2010, 14:38:35 UTC
I hope Clark can find it in himself to trust Bruce, as we know it would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. XD


mithen January 22 2010, 15:21:00 UTC
I'm sure he will! I keep dancing around post-TDK fic in my mind because it's difficult to add Clark to Bruce's situation without it all coming unraveled, and yet I do so want to see him connect with Bruce somehow...


severusslave January 22 2010, 16:27:44 UTC


mithen January 23 2010, 06:04:14 UTC
Your icon is adorable! *loves* And thanks, I'm glad you liked the story!


kirax2 January 22 2010, 16:32:03 UTC
So often the 'reveal' is Clark to Bruce (or vice-versa). I thought it was cleverly and well-handled, having it happen with *Alfred* instead. Definitely a different dynamic. I loved Clark's drive for justice, to prove that Batman hadn't killed anyone, and how he couldn't understand that Batman *wanted* everyone to think he had because he has no idea of the dynamics of the situation. I love that he never actually connected Bruce Wayne with Batman directly. I love Alfred's bitter comment about secrets and lies. And I really liked the surreal bit about the picture of Bruce from a fashion magazine burning up, juxtaposed with the appearance of Batman.

Lovely and bittersweet. Thank you!


mithen January 23 2010, 06:30:50 UTC
So often the 'reveal' is Clark to Bruce (or vice-versa). I thought it was cleverly and well-handled, having it happen with *Alfred* instead.

fictionalknight wanted to see Clark reveal his secret identity to someone, and I wanted to try someone other than Bruce for a change--and to be honest, post-movie where they're both going to be so guarded and suspicious Alfred almost makes more sense.

I loved Clark's drive for justice, to prove that Batman hadn't killed anyone, and how he couldn't understand that Batman *wanted* everyone to think he had because he has no idea of the dynamics of the situation.I have wanted to fit Clark into the post-TDK world so much, and even got about five chapters into a long crossover, and it just...wouldn't come together. I want more than "Clark teaches Bruce the error of his ways," but on the other hand I know when closely examined Bruce's decisions are quite irrational. So I have lots of snippets of moments and no way to put them together without either betraying Bruce's decision entirely, or buying into it completely ( ... )


northern_star January 22 2010, 16:39:23 UTC
Oh, I loved this! :) *bounces ( ... )


mithen January 24 2010, 13:04:36 UTC
I love how Alfred tried to *tell* Clark things even if he didn't always get it, because a part of the goal is the same for both of them - Clark is rather desperate for someone who understands him and his reasons for doing things, and Alfred probably thinks such a friend would do Bruce a world of good.

Yeah, it's so frustrating because they both so desperately need someone, and they could be that someone, but they just can't connect... *grinds teeth* Darn the post-TDK muses!

I also liked the way you got Clark to reveal himself because it's unusual in a way - he was "stuck" - but in doing that he's just unknowingly opened a door he didn't know existed.

It was really hard to come up with a way for him to reveal himself! Generally he finds ways out of it...but yeah, in this case it was fun to have him run into a person who knows a lot about athletic ability and was not going to accept his arguments ( ... )


northern_star February 3 2010, 03:01:10 UTC
I'm really hoping I (or someone else, maybe!) can write a post-TDK fic where they manage to reach common ground. I find it really hard to do so without negating everything Bruce has gone through in TDK, somehow. I so so want to get them together and I haven't figured out how yet...have you tackled post-TDK fic with the two of them? It feels like something you'd do really well at, with the awesome angst and worry and misunderstandings and eventual happy ending, but I don't think I've seen anything along those lines?I have an idea for a story, and I've actually posted something (a little while ago) that happens later on... which makes this a really weird prequel/sequel something or other. lol! It's a crossover between TDK and Superman: Birthright. ...come to think of it, I believe I may have posted a snippet of the beginning once, too. I'm sure I have. Somewhere in the mess that is my unorganized LJ ( ... )


mithen February 3 2010, 04:19:32 UTC
Right! I definitely remember the discussions of Birthright getting worked in there, that's a crossover that could really be awesome.

I know what you mean about the backlog of fic so much! I've been planning on writing a story that revolves around Superman's death way back when for like three months now, and there's lately always been something else that requires more pressing attention. I really need to clean my plate a bit and start fresh--I'm hoping I can when I finish up the help_haiti fic... I hope you can too!


lilacs_roses January 22 2010, 17:03:29 UTC
Ok... this was *wow*! and desperately calls out for a sequel -- of which I hope you are going to do! My mind's Swiss cheese at the moment so I can't really articulate anything else but the above....


mithen January 25 2010, 12:21:25 UTC
My brain is inevitably thinking about a sequel! I have some ideas, but oh, post-TDK Bruce is a stubborn, stubborn man... *sighs* I'm glad you liked it!


dandelionlily October 18 2010, 05:09:22 UTC
I realize this is now a rather old fic, but it is still one of my all-time favorites. Therefore I am asking your muses to do their part and inspire a sequel, please?

I keep coming back to reread and wondering: what was Batman carrying? Why did he leave people in danger for Superman to save? Will Alfred finally get tired of all the secrets and just do a big reveal? ("Master Bruce, this is the reporter Clark Kent, also known by the quaint moniker 'Superman'. Mr. Kent, I would like you to meet Bruce Wayne, the legendary 'Batman' you've taken it into your head to defend. Any questions?") And will someone *please* rescue Batman from the fate he's chosen?


mithen October 18 2010, 14:42:37 UTC
I keep looking and looking at this story! It's actually a kind of truncated version of a story where I'd actually gotten about four chapters in before I realized the whole project was DOA, I just could not seem to make post-TDK S/B work correctly! I haven't given up on it, however... I can tell you that the bundle is a baby, though! And that Batman does go back into the fire, he just doesn't run into Superman there no big mysteries there, but the central mystery of Bruce/Batman does remain and DRIVES ME CRAZY to consider. I get really torn because as much as I want Clark to save Bruce, I also respect his choice at the end of the movie and don't want to just undo it, you know? But I can never imagine Superman accepting that kind of Faustian bargain the moral worlds of the two movies just feel so far apart and I can't seem to reconcile them ( ... )


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