Title: Kaleidoscope
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Notes: "Music of the Spheres" is a series set in the combined universes of "Batman Begins" and "Superman Returns." Other stories and notes on the series
here.Rating: R
Summary: A Halloween costume party in Gotham leads to a night of shifting identities.
Word Count: 1300
Notes: Written quite a long time ago and
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Comments 56
I choking with laughter when I noticed Bruce had gotten the Batman costume - and then he walked down the stairs, and it was even beyond hilarious. hee! He rocks, this Bruce!!
And Clark so distracted that he's speaking Kryptonian without meaning to. hehe! Lucky no one there speaks it, too!
..and then the rest. :melts: :) Thanks for sharing!! (wonderful little pause from this thing I'm supposed to be working on. *lol*)
I've missed MotS! I've gotten an idea for a whole new arc, so I'm in a happy mood this week! *dances* I'm so glad you liked it!
heee! :) That makes me all kinds of happy!
When Bruce said "I'm Batman", I couldn't help but headdesk! Soooo so funny! XD
I really love reading lighthearted story. Thank you so much for sharing this!
By the way, I guess I joined LJ quite too late because it seems that I missed this series of yours and the link above is not working. ;_;
*went off to read*
This series...I don't know, a lot of dark stuff happens in it and yet the overall tone somehow stays light. Clark and Bruce are very alone in it, and yet they have each other and that's usually all they need... for that reason alone it's become one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy it!
Ahem, that being said.
"Yeah, like last year where I got the French Maid outfit? That was great."
"I found it fairly delightful," Bruce leered.
"I still suspect you of rigging the lottery so I got that costume," Clark grumbled.
Bruce's leer was touched with smugness. "I'll never tell."
Bwahahahah. He totally did. Oh, Bruce.
Bruce carried the box to a changing room. As he opened it, he caught a glint of buckles against black matte cloth, silk and kevlar.
Oh, damn.
Bwaaaaaaahahahahahahahahhahahahaha. *snerk* Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. *deep breath* ... Ahaha. Ha. Ahah.
"Outer space alien" was a disguise he felt he could actually pull off pretty well.
Yes, Clark. I'm sure you do. *fuzzes*
"Graggle hark harkk," he said--a mangled parody of Kryptonian that sounded "alien"--and she shrugged and wandered off.
This was definitely his favorite Halloween costume ever.
*giggle* Oh... I wanna fuzz him so much.
Batman, and yet-- ( ... )
I know, I've missed MotS awfully! I still have three arcs I want to write, too! *fidgets*
Oh, Bruce. It's like... It's like the costumery equivalent of Russian nesting dolls.
I love this metaphor! And now I want a Batman nesting doll of my own, lol... It was insane amounts of fun to imagine how Bruce would alter his non-verbals to make himself look ludicrous in the suit--I'm sure he could be very convincingly silly. :) Adding the Batusi--OMG, what I wouldn't give to see Christian Bale in full regalia doing that!
The switch to smut kind of took me by surprise, but the roleplaying always seems to get the both of them going, somehow. And fit the feeling of the different layers...plus it was also just a lot of fun to write, I admit it. :)
I'm thrilled you liked it and tickled by your feedback! *grins* Thank you so much!
I'll add you to the list tomorrow. *yawns and gets ready for bed*
I did find the Batusi Brucie to be pretty hilarious! ;)
I loved this line:
Layers upon layers, complications within complications, a tesseract of beauty and menace nested within each other.
And Clark as an alien was pretty cool, too! :)
The last line is perfect:
Clark closed his eyes and felt the fragments and pieces of himself fall into new patterns, reshaped again by joy, a shifting kaleidoscope of delight.
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