Title: Champion (74/74)
Relationship: Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lex Luthor, Joker, Tim Drake, Guy Gardner, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd
Continuity: Heroes of the Squared Circle, a DC/pro wrestling fusion.
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Rating: PG-13
Word Count 2700
Summary: One year later, the state of the DCW.
Superman struggled to his knees, looking up at his tormentor, and Joker slapped him across the face twice, hard. )
Comments 9
Clark handed Red Hood a bottle of water. “He might be a jackass, and wrong about a lot of things, but when he’s right, he’s really right. I bet he’s back working in the DCW some day.”
“No way,” boggled Red Hood.
“We would have said the same thing about you once, buddy,” said Tim. “And here you are.”
Interesting dialogue
Jason leaned against the wall, looking at all the people in costumes coming and going, listening to the chatter. “It’s good to be back. I missed this,” he said in a low voice after a while.
Tim didn’t look up from his phone, but he smiled. “It missed you too,” he said.
“Make sure there’s just enough easily-debunked misinformation mixed in to keep people on their toes. Tell them who’s going to win the title and then be wrong now and then. Tell them someone’s injured just before they appear healthy on the show. I don’t care what it is, just… don’t be a hundred percent reliable.” Clark smiled. “Because if you get tooreliable, it won’t be me ( ... )
And it was so wonderful to write Clark finally, FINALLY getting his championship belt! It was kind of difficult because--because he's Clark--he never complained about it much or felt like it was a huge lack in his life, so I had to have Bruce feel it for him...
Thank you SO MUCH for sticking with this story, and with me, Lis! It meant the world to me!
-Wayne promoting his indie darlings instead of supporting the tried and true wrestlers who have proven their worth.
Heh, I love the irony of this on the second read!
Red Hood peeled off his mask to reveal Jason Todd’s grinning, sardonic face. “Here I am, slumming it up with the pretend fighters again,” he said, taking a gulp of water.
Yay, Jason! I'm so glad he was able to make a come back... :)
“Not when it’s done right. And I always do it right.” Jason punched Tim on the shoulder. “As you knew when you agreed to take it, and it went fine. Looked like a million bucks. So quit whining.”
Tim rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”
Jason leaned against the wall, looking at all the people in costumes coming and going, listening to the chatter. “It’s good to be back. I missed this,” he said in a low voice after a while.
Tim didn’t look up from his phone, but he smiled. “It missed you too,” he said.
Awwww! *pets them both*
“You know,” Clark said after a moment. “We never found out who it was that was ( ... )
Ahhhhhhhh. *clings back*
Yay, Jason! I'm so glad he was able to make a come back... :)
He had to! He just had to. He missed it, too, though he might try to deny it.
Alfred!!!! I love that image SO MUCH.
He makes the best post-workout energy shakes, too! Basically Alfred is some kind of gym mom, and that cracks me up so much.
Bruce being mercenary about the world markets but also understanding that diversity is good for its own sake was really fun to write.
Ha, Lex pontificating on his blog is him, all right. :)
Clark and Bruce willing to acknowledge Lex's savvy is a good point.
Dick getting all the female wrestlers' attention (and some male wrestlers, too) is just too amusing! :)
Joker had the right booking. ;)
Great series! :)
I had a very long period of time not reading anything on LJ after loosing ladyblkrose in 2013. Having you and others still writing has been a blessing for me. This series has been one of a few that helped me find my joy.
I found myself cheering and crying tears of joy at the end (though I hate to see it end). This was absolutely fantastic!
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