Clarity of Purpose, Chapter 26

May 13, 2015 22:48

Title: Clarity of Purpose, Chap. 26
Chapter Summary: The Fellowship enters Nurn, the eastern part of Mordor.
Relationship: Thorin/Bilbo
Characters: Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo, Arwen, Aragorn, Denethor, Theoden, Gimli, Dis, Legolas
Fandom: Hobbit/Lord of the Rings. Begins in 2968, twenty-six years after the events of "Clarity of Vision" and fifty ( Read more... )

ch: bilbo baggins, series: clarity of vision, fandom: the hobbit, ch: thorin oakenshield, p: thorin/bilbo

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starsandsea May 13 2015, 18:11:15 UTC
“This is Nurn,” said Denethor. “A fertile land, where the food that fuels Sauron’s armies is grown. The people of this land have been enslaved by Sauron and his followers for more than five thousand years.”

Bilbo blinked. “That’s...a long time,” he said.

“Nurn means ‘grief’ in Sindarin,” said Denethor. “Yes. It is a long time.”

Oooh, I really liked that, it seemed very... real? If that makes sense?

Gimli tapped his axe with a knowing look. “I might not mind,” he said.

“Arrows can silence more orcs than an axe,” said Legolas with a blandly innocent look. “For every one you slew, my arrows would find three or more.”

Hee! And Thorin stepping in to restrain them both!

“That’s one for me, friend Legolas!” called Gimli as he pulled his axe free of the fallen orc’s breastbone.

“You only got the kill because I was focused on making sure he could not hurt the human,” said Legolas, his expression nettled.

Gimli shook his finger at him, grinning. “No excuses, elf!”

Hee! *hearts them both*

Denethor (whose eyebrows rose dramatically at being called “lad.”)


Denethor, who was clearly trying to look as non-bloodthirsty as possible, even managing a small smile, which did not seem to reassure the Nurnian.

Eeee, Denethor! *hearts him*

“--Now see here!” said Théoden, and his indignation was so palpable that Bilbo had to hide a giggle behind his hand. He waved angrily at Denethor: “If you think for one second that I am bound to obey this pompous windbag, this--this vainglorious seat-warmer, this--” Denethor’s smile was quickly going from “reassuring” to “snarling” as Estel put a hand on Théoden’s shoulder, cutting him off. Théoden blinked at him, then bowed in flustered apology to the man still kneeling in the mud. “Apologies. What I meant to say was,” he coughed and considered his words, “I believe you have been gravely misinformed.”

THEODEN!!!!! *giggles and hearts him SO MUCH*

Bilbo couldn’t help but laugh, and when Muranu looked at him from the corner of his eye, he said, “It’s just...’the safety of Mordor’ is such an odd...never mind.”

That... that is strange! But one of the things I love about this story is how you're fleshing out all the apparent 'evil' places and the people there, it's been so fascinating! :)

“Well, they don’t look like they eat very much,” muttered Bilbo, tightening his belt, but he couldn’t help but smile at the joy on the children’s faces as they tasted the lembas.

Bilbo! *pets him*

“Though you may be from the cursed lands to the west, yet I do believe you wish the Dread Lord ill. So I say, be welcome in Manishtashnu,” he said, spreading his arms wide, “And let us consult to see what aid we can give each other.”


He felt rather than heard Thorin come up behind him; he had known at some level that Thorin would find a way to follow him out into the night. “I’m fine,” he said quickly, leaning back into Thorin’s broad chest with a sigh. “I’m just...tired.”

He half-expected Thorin would point out that he tired more easily lately, but Thorin merely put his arms around him and stood there, holding him.

As they gazed off to the west, deeper into Mordor, a sudden spot of light bloomed in the darkness like a poisonous scarlet flower, far off on the horizon. A spire of flame climbed into the sky, then subsided fitfully again. “Is that--”

“Orodruin.” Thorin’s voice was a low rumble, almost felt more than heard. “Mt. Doom.”

His arms tightened around Bilbo, as if giving--or seeking--support.

“Our destination.”

Oh! *flails and frets and hearts Bilbo and Thorin* Oh gosh, I hope they can make it there okay...

This was a great chapter, I'm looking forward to the next! :)


mithen May 16 2015, 12:55:39 UTC
Oooh, I really liked that, it seemed very... real? If that makes sense?

Ah, yes, I think so! I liked it too, and I wasn't sure why!

Eeee, Denethor! *hearts him*

Imagining him being all austere and severe-looking and trying to look "not-bloodthirsty" cracked me up!

That... that is strange! But one of the things I love about this story is how you're fleshing out all the apparent 'evil' places and the people there, it's been so fascinating! :)

It's been so fun! I'm just sorry that this was the last new place... *sniffles*

Oh! *flails and frets and hearts Bilbo and Thorin* Oh gosh, I hope they can make it there okay...

Argh, I've just started writing their final trek and it's SO HARD, nooo. I don't want to make them do it!


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