Heroes of the Squared Circle 54: Euphoria

May 06, 2015 21:52

Title: Euphoria
Relationship: Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Dick Grayson, Harvey Dent
Continuity: Heroes of the Squared Circle, a DC/pro wrestling fusion ( click for notes and all chapters).
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
Word Count 3500
Summary: The DCW begins to plan a Royal Rumble, and Nightwing and Two-Face ( Read more... )

ch: bruce wayne, ch: clark kent, p: clark/bruce, series: heroes of the squared circle

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Comments 10

zolac_no_miko May 6 2015, 20:48:57 UTC


mithen May 7 2015, 10:41:07 UTC
Haha, thank you! Now I’m just dying for the next chapter to get posted!


bradygirl_12 May 6 2015, 23:16:01 UTC
What a great chapter! :) Dick as champion is so RIGHT, and that juxtaposition of that shiny gold belt with his street clothes is Dick Grayson fashion! ;)

I love a complex Lex. That's probably why I like the SV version of him the best: he's got a lot of good in him before he turned dark. And his relationship with his father Lionel was twisted at best. :(


mithen May 7 2015, 10:44:08 UTC
A lot of champions like to wear their belts along with their street clothes, and it's always a really fun look! And very appropriate for Dick, I think…

It's interesting, people have said this Lex reminds them of Smallville Lex. And you know I never watched the show, but I feel like I absorbed some of that Lex from fannish osmosis, and he really suits this universe. :-) I'm glad you're enjoying him! And yes, his relationship with his father goes back a long way and is not always good…


bradygirl_12 May 7 2015, 13:51:19 UTC
Ha, ha, even if no other wrestler wore the gold belt with street clothes, Dick would! ;)

You absorbed well, my friend. :)


starsandsea May 7 2015, 18:11:28 UTC
“You’ve just never forgiven Max Lord for that tuxedo match,” Bruce said absently as he put far too much pepper in his soup.

“It was embarrassing,” Clark muttered.


The Dark Knight, it was noted on the message boards after the show, looked notably unconcerned about the terrible disadvantage he would be working at.


“Why would I allow your Kryptonian to trade numbers with my all-powerful wrestling android, Amazo?” He gestured behind him at the well-sculpted wrestler with his red hair cut into a neat widow’s peak, his arms crossed in a perfect mirror of the Kryptonian.

Oh, Amazo!

The Dark Knight must not be allowed to confront the Kryptonian.”


“I have nothing at all to worry about--as long as the Dark Knight never gets a chance to talk to the Kryptonian again.”

The camera zoomed in on the Kryptonian’s expressionless face as the scene faded out.

*dances* Oh, I can't wait to see that!

in slow motion you could see how, as Harvey caught Dick and fell backwards, one of the monitors on the table gashed into his ( ... )


mithen May 10 2015, 07:40:55 UTC
Dan came up with Amazo, and he actually makes a ton of sense in a wrestling world! He has an uncanny gift to mimic other peoples' moves...

I was really happy to write Dick winning and everyone (pretty much!) being happy for him! Clark and Bruce are feeling a bit smug about it, I think...

Haha, I'm glad you caught that little "alien invasion" line! :D

Oh wow! That's such a strange thought that, after everything they've been through, Bruce has never met the Kents!

I KNOW! I suddenly realized that was something that would have to change! And now I'm not exactly sure how to go about it, or what the Kents think of this job, hmmmm... :)


ilovetobefree May 13 2015, 19:15:15 UTC
"You shouldn't take Two-Face lightly, chum,” said the Dark Knight, resting his hand on his sidekick’s shoulder. "Harvey Dent is one of the most dangerous foes I have ever encountered, and you should never underestimate him."

And then he lifted the flailing, screaming audience member and smashed him into the barricade before scooping him up to deliver the Janus Smash, leaving him twitching on the ground.

He grabbed his fork and stole a bite of Clark’s cheesecake, grinning. “Catch you later, brother.”
I like this. :D

The words sounded even more chilling spoken in Harvey’s cultured tones, but Nightwing grinned at him, a flash of teeth. “I may be close to half your size, but I’m double the man you’ll ever be, Harvey.”

With a twisting arm throw, he used Two-Face’s own momentum to throw him to the mat. In an instant, he had his foe in the Flying Grayson hold, torquing his body into an arc of pain.

“Almost there,” whispered Bruce. “Almost there…”

Nightwing was the heavyweight champion of the DCW ( ... )


mithen May 20 2015, 03:12:41 UTC
(And I apologize for being so late. I’m horrible I know :( )

Don't you DARE! *shakes finger at you* You know fannish things are always there and it's never late to make me happy with one of your wonderful comments.

I have to confess the person Harvey attacked was another wrestler, of course! I think it was probably Luke Fox?

I can't believe Bruce hasn't met the Kents yet! I'm already getting nervous about writing it, poor Bruce must be very nervous too!


ilovetobefree May 25 2015, 15:34:28 UTC
Don't you DARE! *shakes finger at you* You know fannish things are always there and it's never late to make me happy with one of your wonderful comments.
THANK YOU! You are the best and you always understand me and make me feel better. Yes, this is one of the reasons I love to come here back and see what's new on my friends page on LJ. Your stories and answers to my comments made my day everytime! <33


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