Heroes of the Squared Circle 41: Knightfall

Sep 29, 2014 20:18

Title: Knightfall
Relationship: Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Bane, Dick Grayson, Brainiac,
Continuity: Heroes of the Squared Circle, a DC/pro wrestling fusion ( click for notes and all chapters).
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Rating: PG-13
Word Count 4000
Summary: A tag team match between the Dark Knight and Nightwing ( Read more... )

ch: dick grayson, ch: bruce wayne, ch: clark kent, p: clark/bruce, series: heroes of the squared circle, ch: bane

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ilovetobefree October 1 2014, 16:32:57 UTC
He paused and scowled deliberately at them instead, and the man suddenly smiled up at him, a warm smile that took Clark entirely aback. That formally-dressed man couldn’t be Alfred...could it?

He nodded at the Kryptonian warily, and beneath the Nightwing mask Clark saw Dick shoot him a look: We can get him through this.
Dick is a sweetie.

In reality, Clark was assessing Bruce’s condition: he had shrugged off his previous three matches as quick and easy wins, but there was exertion involved in all three of them, and he truly needed the time to rest while Nightwing sparred with Bane.

The Dark Knight looked at the action outside the ring and saw his friend being attacked, and in that moment of distraction, Bane pressed the attack and turned the tables.
Oh my gosh!

“(In his hotel room, Clark Kent pauses the recording and closes his eyes. Then he takes a breath and hits ”play” once again).
This is so intense!

But in the match, there was no pause button, there was no rewind, and Clark did not realize something had gone wrong until the moment of impact, when Bruce dropped to the mat and lay there. No dramatic flopping, no emotive writhing, no heartfelt grimaces of pain or clutching at his back as there should have been: he just lay where he fell, and Clark felt his heart seize up and turn over.
Oh NO!

Something was wrong.
Horibly wrong :(

“I can’t feel my legs,” Bruce said below the roar of the crowd. He looked vaguely surprised.
“I’m sorry,” Bruce said.

“Thank you,” mumbled Bruce against his shoulder.
*hugs Bruce and Clark*

“Hey, relax, man,” said Oliver Queen, making calming motions with his hands. “It’s not like he’s your boyfriend or anything.”
“And if he is?” Clark whirled to glare at Ollie. “Would you have a problem with that, huh?” He scrubbed at his face. Unreal, everything was unreal. ”Would you?”
“Jesus, man,” said Ollie, spreading his hands wide. “You should know me better than that. I don’t give a damn, Clark.”
WOW! But I love Ollie.

There was nothing else to do and no reason to be there, so Clark turned around and left.
Diana and Dick made him eat some food. They said things to each other and to Clark. They took him back to his hotel room.
Bruce was gone.
*hugs Clark*

Instead, he rewinds. Watches again. Pauses again.
The phone remains silent.
Poor Clark…

That was heartbreaking. Excellently written! But so painful to read. I’m so sorry for all of them. I hope Bruce realizes he needs Clark and Clark


mithen October 5 2014, 09:22:35 UTC
This is so intense!

Augh, it was really intense to write! And those little moments that jumped forward to "now" where Clark is watching just turned my stomach...

WOW! But I love Ollie.

Hee, can't you just see him being like "Whatever, man, we've got more important things to worry about right now."

Clark and Bruce won't be apart for too long, I promise! It'll be a hard two weeks for them, but they'll get past it... (And I will too, with wonderful friends like you cheering me on!)


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