Clarity of Purpose, Chapter 7

Jul 24, 2014 20:18

Title: Clarity of Purpose, Chap. 7
Chapter Summary: As Denethor recovers from his wounds, Khazad-dûm houses a mixed host of elves, dwarves, humans, and wizards (and one hobbit). Some of the folk hit it off. Others do not.
Relationship: Thorin/Bilbo
Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Gandalf, Balin, Dwalin, Saruman, Arwen, Glorfindel, ( Read more... )

ch: elrohir, ch: bilbo baggins, ch: arwen, series: clarity of vision, ch: thorin oakenshield, ch: saruman, ch: balin, ch: dwalin, ch: elladan, p: thorin/bilbo, ch: denethor, ch: glorfindel, ch: gandalf

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Part 1! starsandsea July 25 2014, 18:14:03 UTC
“You have--you have met Durin?” Dwalin’s voice was strangled; he and Balin gaped at Galadriel as she nodded.

Eeeeheehee! It always makes me grin when an Elf casually goes 'ah yes, I knew this heroic person of your people'. :D

“Do not--” Gandalf broke off and Bilbo sensed that he was struggling for composure, although his face did not change. “Do not mock me, my lady.”

Oooh! Oh dear, poor Gandalf must be under a lot of stress right now...

Théoden and Elrond’s sons soon discovered they shared a love of gaming and sparring, and fortunately Théoden’s innate diplomacy reined in the worst of Elrohir and Elladan’s high spirits as they visited the forges and raced goats through the wide halls

Oh my goodness, I can just see them racing goats through the halls!

Arwen split most of her time between Glorfindel’s quarters and her grandmother’s, as did Gandalf; the two oldest elves seemed to have decided that keeping a low profile was a good idea, and although they were friendly, they rarely emerged from their quarters.

Oooh! I love the image of Glorfindel and Arwen just sitting talking - and Gandalf, too!

Saruman spent nearly all his days deep in discussion with the dwarven engineers, poring over blueprints and machinery, making suggestions for improvements.

But eeep, I'm not sure that's such a good thing...

discuss cloth and dyes with Glorfindel

Eeee! And I just adore that image of them talking together... :D

“Dori takes it so personally when Glorfindel doesn’t eat everything he’s cooked for him,” he said, grimacing and stretching his shoulders. “I had to spend an hour with him explaining that elves have light appetites and reassuring him that his food was perfectly fine.”

Oh! *rushes around petting everyone*

“Natural doesn’t always mean easy,” Bilbo said. “It’s like--you can see the beauty within an uncut gemstone, something that just looks like a lump of rock to me. You know what you need to do to make it shine. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t tiring and difficult to do it. It’s satisfying work, but it’s still work.”

Poor Bilbo! It must completely exhausting dealing with every one...

“It’s not like they’re angry at each other or anything, but there’s this…distance there, like a glass wall. Like something is between them, unsaid. I mean, it’s been more than twenty years since we saw them together in Lothlórien, of course, but twenty years isn’t so much for an elf to have changed their relationship like that.”

Oh! Oh... *pets them both gently* That's got to be so upsetting for them both...

That Bilbo had possessed the cursed thing for decades and was yet able to care so much for others, be so aware of their needs and emotions--! Thorin suppressed a shudder of something close to awe, and Bilbo smiled up at him sleepily.

*flails* Ahhh, I just loved those lines!

Thorin grimaced to himself; he had wanted to discuss Bilbo’s assertion days ago that he had failed Thorin by not coming to Erebor. But Bilbo was working so very hard, and was so tired, and Thorin hated to bring up something that seemed to have upset him once more.

Later, he promised himself. He seems content now. Let it rest.

Oh... I do hope Thorin won't come to regret that...


Re: Part 1! mithen July 27 2014, 03:10:46 UTC
Eeeeheehee! It always makes me grin when an Elf casually goes 'ah yes, I knew this heroic person of your people'. :D

I know! It doesn't really even occur to her that it's awe-inspiring, they were just...neighbors, right?

Oooh! Oh dear, poor Gandalf must be under a lot of stress right now...

I don't ship them, but I do like that the movie suggests they're particularly close in some ways. Poor Gandalf is very stressed out!

Oooh! I love the image of Glorfindel and Arwen just sitting talking - and Gandalf, too!

I'm glad you liked those little glimpses! Glorfindel is relieved that Theoden gets along with the twins, so that he doesn't have to always be running interference... And Bilbo was very taken with that particular blue cloth of Glorfindel's!

Oh! Oh... *pets them both gently* That's got to be so upsetting for them both...

I know! Canonically Arwen's met Aragorn but hasn't officially "plighted her troth" and made the irreversible decision, but I think everyone knows it's probably going to happen, and even though Galadriel understands, it makes her terribly sad...


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