Heroes of the Squared Circle 34: Inferno Match

May 29, 2014 22:21

Title: Inferno Match
Relationship: Clark/Bruce
Characters: Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Bane, Dick Grayson, Helena Bertinelli, Pamela Isley, Selina Kyle, Harley Quinn
Continuity: Heroes of the Squared Circle, a DC/pro wrestling fusion ( click for notes and all chapters).
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Rating: PG-13
Word Count 4100
Summary: A show ( Read more... )

ch: harley quinn, ch: pamela isley, ch: selina kyle, ch: jason todd, ch: clark kent, ch: helena bertinelli, ch: dick grayson, ch: bruce wayne, p: clark/bruce, series: heroes of the squared circle, ch: bane

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Comments 21

bradygirl_12 May 29 2014, 16:28:36 UTC
"Are you quoting Nietzsche to me? Is this your idea of pillow talk?"

Yes, only Bruce would consider this pillow talk. ;)

I love the closing paragraph, too! Those quotes about Superman are very apt. :)

Loved seeing Dick show off his new move! And Jason understanding Joker just seems to fit somehow. :)

The female match was great! Those teams work so well together. I am all for seeing more of the women wrestlers. :)

Harley and her licorice made me laugh. :)

The Batman/Bane match was as scary as I thought it would be, and does Clark have a premonition of something bad to come in regards to Bane? Interesting.

All hail the Titans! :)


mithen May 31 2014, 13:28:43 UTC
I love the closing paragraph, too! Those quotes about Superman are very apt. :)

I was tickled to find out there are some pretty lyrical quotes from Nietzsche on the topic of the Superman!

It was a lot of fun to write all the different matches and give a bunch of different characters the chance to show off a bit! They're all amazing...

The Batman/Bane match was as scary as I thought it would be, and does Clark have a premonition of something bad to come in regards to Bane? Interesting.

He definitely is hoping Bane never makes his way to Gotham!

Looking forward to writing more of the Titans! Dick and Clark are going to be so proud...


bradygirl_12 May 31 2014, 15:36:14 UTC

I did enjoy Clark and his thoughts about making the other wrestlers look better. That's so like him, thinking of others! Probably why he's a natural leader.

Hmm, didn't Jean-Paul and Bane bond over their wrestling backgrounds? It would be interesting if Jean-Paul had to take over the mantle of the Bat temporarily and fight Bane if Bane had injured Bruce. Could be some interesting conflict there.

I am very excited about seeing the Titans! :)

*snickers about the reason Ollie is getting a sidekick*

Bruce knew why he got Dick but I'm sure he is happy that he got him after all. :)


mithen June 2 2014, 00:16:20 UTC
Hmm, didn't Jean-Paul and Bane bond over their wrestling backgrounds? It would be interesting if Jean-Paul had to take over the mantle of the Bat temporarily and fight Bane if Bane had injured Bruce. Could be some interesting conflict there.

Yesssss, it could. :) *whistles innocently*

Writing the Titans is a blast already! Soooo many possible in-jokes...


jestana May 29 2014, 17:41:24 UTC
Lovely chapter! I like that Jason GETS Joker in a way that no one else does. And of course Bruce knows why Luthor is assigning sidekicks to certain wrestlers and not others. *rolls eyes* I liked the girls' match and Harley being a total airhead. My heart was in my throat when Nightwing took that fall. Especially considering how his parents died. *claws face* Then the match between Bane and the Dark Knight! I kept hearing Tom Hardy every time Bane spoke. I'm guessing the backbreaker is a nod to Knightfall? (Which I only know about because of Tumblr.) Bruce WOULD consider quoting Nietzsche as pillow talk.


mithen June 1 2014, 08:49:41 UTC
Jason got such a shaft in canon that I couldn't resist making him a more active collaborator in his fate in this world! And yeah, oh, the "is the injury going to be real or kayfabe" tension is...way too much fun, sometimes. *grin*

The backbreaker is actually the exact move Bane uses on him in canon, lol! Bane is based on a Mexican wrestler look, and so I couldn't resist having him in there... :) (He'll be back!)


starsandsea May 29 2014, 17:52:38 UTC
in the middle of a submission hold Joker twisted just so and Clark saw Jason's face go still as it does when real pain happens.

"Son of a--" Bruce bit the word off into an angry growl. "Dislocated shoulder," he muttered, watching Jason.

Eeeek! Poor Jason!

I foresee some hilarious storylines together."


Was it so obvious he hated being a heel that even the new kid could tell?

Hee! *pets Clark*

One of his better interviews, he thought. He was getting the hang of timing and the meek mannerisms--to be honest, they came more naturally than the strut and swagger of the Kryptonian. And it was always fun to use your skills to make other wrestlers seem tougher and stronger.

Heh! I really love how all the different characters - and the different aspects of the characters! - are interacting.

They were both smiling--Dick's his open, wide smile, and Bruce's the small pleased smile he had when he was enjoying himself and didn't quite realize it.

Awww! *hearts them both*

"I wouldn't miss this one for the world," said Bruce, just as if ( ... )


mithen June 1 2014, 12:16:22 UTC
Eeeek! Poor Jason!

I know! But he's tough and I think Joker kind of likes that. :)

*snorts* Oh, Lex would so do that!

"Allow me to gift you with a sidekick. No, don't thank me!" :)

Eeeep! That must have given poor Bruce a heart attack...

Oh God, I know! He's developing this daredevil style that I think is going to give Bruce gray hair, lol...

And that was just-! *bounces* I really can't wait to see Clark become Superman...

Mmm, I know! He has the name now, he just needs to get there! This has kind of all turned into Superman's origin story, hasn't it? It all is building to that eventually...

Looking forward to posting more! But more Regency first! *grin*


ctbn60 May 30 2014, 00:37:02 UTC
You are so totally brilliant I am so excited when I see your chapters posted. I wonder at the amount of details you put in your chapters and the way you interweave wrestling with the super heroes. I grin like a loon through reading the entire chapter! I can't wait to see how Superman comes to the forefront.


mithen June 2 2014, 00:11:19 UTC
I am so happy to hear I can give you a smile with this! I feel really bad Superman is so long in showing up, darn it, but it's too important to the plot to have Clark a heel for a while longer. Let's hope it makes his eventual face turn more satisfying!


ctbn60 June 2 2014, 02:36:26 UTC
Yes please don't rush anything I'm enjoying this way too much. Makes me feel like a kid again. Besides I adore LONG Stories! :D


jlvsclrk May 30 2014, 07:25:06 UTC
Fantastic update. I still can't get over how much I'm enjoying a story about WRESTLING!


mithen June 2 2014, 00:11:37 UTC
Hehehe, thank you! I can't believe how much I'm enjoying writing it! :)


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