Title: The Dark Knight Descends
Relationship: Clark/Bruce
Characters: Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Joker, John Stewart
Continuity: Heroes of the Squared Circle, a DC/pro wrestling fusion (
click for notes and all chapters).
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Rating: NC-17
Word Count 4300
Summary: Clark and Bruce's relationship moves forward, and
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Clark has a purple robe? Very Lexian. ;)
I enjoyed the progression of the story. Pity Batman and Robin couldn't have lasted a little longer. You know me, I'm a sucker for the Dynamic Duo! ;)
I'd like to see that Wonder Woman/Poison Ivy match! ;)
*grin* I always imagine him as a fan of Kansas State sports (maybe because my husband is) and their color is purple, so he does get his touch of Lexiness!
Pity Batman and Robin couldn't have lasted a little longer. You know me, I'm a sucker for the Dynamic Duo! ;)
Yeah, it's too bad! We don't see it because I blur over that time a bit, but they have a nice long run in Japan (I'm being deliberately vague with dates, but I'm thinking it was 6-8 months).
Wonder Woman/Poison Ivy with sex pollen involved might be quite fun! Someone should write a canon version of that... *hint hint* :)
Oh yes. VERY yes.
Or, Diana's Amazonian constitution renders her immune to the sex pollen, but she decides to play along and pretend to be under the influence because Ivy is kinda hot and she's into it anyway and doesn't buy into patriarchal notions of casual sex being evil or requiring loving emotions, and it gives her the chance to distract Ivy long enough to capture her.
...why do I have these ideas when I don't have it in me to write them.
Oh, ooooh. I like that twist very much! I can totally see Ivy being wryly amused and admiring at the end, too. :)
I'd love to see fans from Japan visiting the States and attending a show and yelling for the Dynamic Duo, LOL!
Wonder Woman/Poison Ivy with sex pollen involved might be quite fun! Someone should write a canon version of that... *hint hint* :)
Hmm, that's not a bad idea! I like writing Diana occasionally with female partners, and Ivy is one of my favorite villains. *ponders*
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