FIC: Taking Dictation (Sherlock/John)

Feb 15, 2014 23:43

Title: Taking Dictation
Pairing/Characters: John/Sherlock
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Summary: Sherlock is tired of this nonsense on John's blog. From now on, it's the facts and only the facts, as dictated by the world's only consulting detective.
Word Count: 2000

And then all this claptrap about when I confronted the murderer, all this about my 'piercing gaze' and my 'voice of command,' it's ludicrous. )

ch: john watson, ch: sherlock holmes, fandom: bbc sherlock, p: sherlock holmes/john watson

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ilovetobefree February 15 2014, 21:49:50 UTC
John tilted his head back to glare up at Sherlock in turn, feeling nettled. He thought he had captured the intensity of the scene rather well, actually: the murmur of the sea far below, Sherlock's face bleached white by moonlight, the urgency in his voice as he demanded John be set free. John had expected Sherlock to be grateful he had at least left out the aftermath--he suspected some of his readers might rather enjoy reading an account of frantic midnight sex in a ruined castle, but there were limits, after all--and yet here he was, getting scolded for using enthusiastic language.
Poor John :)

Sherlock turned his head so his lips brushed John's ear. "Because I enjoy telling you what to do," he murmured.
:lol Sherlock

"Type 'I think Sherlock is brilliant,' John."
:D :D :D

John rubbed at his mouth as he read the end, feeling the smirk there. His fingers hovered briefly over the "publish" button, but moved to the "delete" button instead and wiped the entry away.
I admit, I was wondering if he chooses "publish" or "delete" button. :D

Not, however, before he copy and pasted the whole thing into a file that he gave an extremely boring name and tucked away to save forever.
Ha Ha! That was perfect! :D

Awesome story! Sherlock is really good with words and John was amazing typing all those lines.
Great job! Thank you for sharing it!


mithen February 16 2014, 05:02:33 UTC
Poor John :)

Sherlock can be really hard to live with sometimes, can't he? :) But there are some advantages...

And yes, sooo tempting to publish it--but it has his middle name and he hates that, so nope! :)

I love having fun with language with these two, somehow...Sherlock can just chatter on so well...


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