Heroes of the Squared Circle 17: The Natural

Aug 25, 2013 21:57

Title: The Natural
Relationship: Clark/Bruce
Characters: Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor, Dick Grayson, Jimmy Olsen, Selina Kyle, Waylon Jones, Mercy Graves
Continuity: Heroes of the Squared Circle, a DC/pro wrestling fusion ( click for notes and all chapters).
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
Word Count 3000
Summary: As the JLI's "invasion ( Read more... )

ch: selina kyle, ch: clark kent, ch: waylon jones, ch: jimmy olsen, ch: dick grayson, ch: mercy graves, ch: bruce wayne, p: clark/bruce, ch: lex luthor, series: heroes of the squared circle, ch: harvey dent

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Comments 17

queen0fcups August 25 2013, 14:48:08 UTC
Oh no. I see where this firing of the stage lady is going. Poor Graysons :(

Giggled like a loon at every reference to Clark Kent: Inadequate Skulker. And at Bruce not getting 'curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal'.

TIM. OMG TIM. I was at first a bit concerned/afraid that what would happen is it wasn't an actual fan, it was someone working for a dirt sheet who would spread around the news of Dick in the JLI t-shirt and then he'd be forced to be in the JLI angle to keep up with what the smarks know, but I'm happy it was just Tim being his adorable Robin-stalker self. And Dick dealt with him wonderfully, he's already got the charm I know and love him for :D


mithen August 26 2013, 07:01:43 UTC
Oh no. I see where this firing of the stage lady is going. Poor Graysons :(

I knowwww. :( Oddly, "The Carpenter" is a canon DC villain, lol! She builds lairs for supervillains, oh DC.

It was risky of Dick to go out with them, wasn't it? I realized that when Bruce started discussing the angle possibilities. But I think even if it had happened, they would have played Dick as repudiating the slimy JLI. :) I FINALLY finished the next chapter today and just need time to get a beta (this is not happening, as we leave in about 18 hours!) I...I am probably not going to get to your mail before we go, either. I'm going to try, but please know I'm thinking of you at least!


bradygirl_12 August 25 2013, 16:48:55 UTC
So much goodness in this chapter! I see the reason for the inevitable tragedy, and Dick is so charming and talented that he's got everyone swooning, even Bruce! ;) Tim focusing on Dick is perfect, of course, as is everyone's deflation at the table, heh heh.

Bruce was right (of course!) about selling the T-shirts out of a battered truck instead of inside, and he and Clark are already having silent conversations! Oh, boys! ;)

Dick is a smart kid. He's an old pro but he's willing to learn from other wrestlers. He could be a pompous, arrogant ass with his talent and pedigree but his personality just won't let him. :) Nice that he already picked up some tips from Bruce. ;)

P.S. Otis! Nice to see him! :)


mithen August 27 2013, 17:51:10 UTC
I loved writing everyone puffing themselves up and then slowly losing their steam when it was Dick he was there for. :)

Dick is a smart kid. He's an old pro but he's willing to learn from other wrestlers. He could be a pompous, arrogant ass with his talent and pedigree but his personality just won't let him. :)

Doesn't he work so wonderfully here? He's such a charmer...

Also, Otis! :D Backstage Luthor and on-stage Luthor are very different things and deserve different assistants. *grin*


starsandsea August 25 2013, 18:03:55 UTC
Or rather, four of them skulked and one of them did his best


When Croc appeared at the top of the ramp, dragging a rumpled Dick Grayson with him, the crowd groaned and tittered simultaneously. "Again?" someone catcalled.

LOL, I so love the idea that Dick gets 'kidnapped' every fight! Though poor Dick must be terribly bored of it all...

And Billionaire Brucie produced a chair and whacked him on the back with it.

I don't know why, but Bruce whacking Hal with a chair fills me with glee for some reason!

Clark was beginning to suspect he and Bruce knew each other too well, if they could have entire hypothetical arguments without words.

Ahhhhhh, omg! *FLAILS* *squishes Bruce and Clark together*

"Apparently her crew was too slow with the Graysons' harnesses,"

Oh. That's... *wibbles in advance*

The fan mumbled something too low for anyone but Dick to pick out, but Dick grinned and signed the napkin with a flourish. "To Tim, from Dick Grayson. Keep smiling!"

TIMMY! I know it had to be him! :D

"No, I'm sorry, Mr. Wayne, it ( ... )


mithen August 29 2013, 00:35:41 UTC
LOL, I so love the idea that Dick gets 'kidnapped' every fight! Though poor Dick must be terribly bored of it all...

Exactly, poor Dick! He wants to wrestle!

I don't know why, but Bruce whacking Hal with a chair fills me with glee for some reason!

Oh my, me too! Hal totally deserves it... :)

Ahhhhhh, omg! *FLAILS* *squishes Bruce and Clark together*

The unspoken arguments! My favorites!

And Tim! You know, I didn't actually know it was Tim until really late, somehow! And then I realized it was perfect!

And yes, all the foreshadowing is...kind of hurty! I'm getting close to writing the payoff and...ow. :( I didn't expect it to be so hard! But it must be done... *steels self* Thank you so much for the comment, Star, even if I'm super-slow in responding!


rdfox August 25 2013, 22:06:26 UTC

And god, the foreshadowing is... horrifyingly believable. I wouldn't be at all shocked if this is how it really happened for Owen...

I forget if I've mentioned this before, but one of the best things about your writing in this whole story is that I can completely "hear" most of the characters speaking their lines in my head--and they're usually the DCAU voice cast doing it. I particularly heard Clancy Brown reading Lex's lines in this chapter...


mithen August 29 2013, 15:07:44 UTC
And god, the foreshadowing is... horrifyingly believable. I wouldn't be at all shocked if this is how it really happened for Owen...

*winces* I have actually decided I'd better change a few things about the event when it happens, because it was SO close to the reality that it started to feel downright ghoulish. It still parallels it terrifyingly closely--and I agree, I could totally see it happening this way.

I can think of no higher compliment than a Lex Luthor who "sounds" like Clancy Brown, because he is the Actual Best. Thank you!


ctbn60 August 26 2013, 00:52:22 UTC
Wow this story is totally fantastic and amazing! It's brought back so many great memories I had growing up as a fan of wrestling. And fitting the dcu into it has been a wonderful and really clever storyline. I'm really enjoying this and I love the way the relationship between Bruce and Clark is developing. I'm a total fan!


mithen August 29 2013, 15:09:32 UTC
It's brought back so many great memories I had growing up as a fan of wrestling.

Ahhhh, that is so great! Wrestling is such goofy crazy (sometimes awful) fun, and it translates so well into comic book-narratives! Also, slow-building Clark/Bruce may be my Favorite Thing in the world to write, so I'm thrilled you're enjoying it too! *grins*


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