Clarity of Vision, Chapter 4

Apr 28, 2013 18:42

Title: Clarity of Vision, Chapter 4
Relationship: Thorin/Bilbo
Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Fíli, Kíli, Thorin, Dwalin, Balin
Fandom: Hobbit
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Rating: G
Word Count: 2300
Story Summary: In a Middle-Earth where Erebor never fell, a shadow remains in the heart of the Lonely Mountain. Bilbo Baggins finds himself drawn ( Read more... )

ch: bilbo baggins, series: clarity of vision, ch: thorin oakenshield, ch: balin, ch: dwalin, ch: kili, ch: fili, p: thorin/bilbo

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Comments 20

blueskydancers April 28 2013, 12:07:09 UTC
I've only just caught up with this story but it is intriguing. Of course we know a bit more about Thorin's relationship with Thror than Bilbo but I am wondering how long before that changes.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter!


mithen April 28 2013, 13:41:34 UTC
Of course we know a bit more about Thorin's relationship with Thror than Bilbo but I am wondering how long before that changes.

*grin* Yes, Bilbo is missing some key connections in his family trees at this point, but it won't stay that way indefinitely, that's for sure. Glad you're enjoying this, I'm having a blast writing it!


shirebound April 28 2013, 15:38:23 UTC
Balin sighed, still holding on to Kíli's wrist. "He means, 'I'm very worried about my nephews,' lad," he said to Bilbo's stricken face.

"He also means, 'Thank you for trying to protect them,'" Dwalin added.

Love that. Whew, they're finally all together!

Awww sugar oliphaunts to the rescue. :)


mithen April 29 2013, 07:11:06 UTC
Whew, they're finally all together!

My relief was intense at finally getting Thorin and Bilbo back in the same place (if not on the same page!)

The sugar animals sacrificed themselves for the good of the Heirs of Erebor! *nods solmenly* :)


queen0fcups April 28 2013, 15:56:24 UTC
SQUEE! I love that, despite flailing uselessly with his umbrella, Bilbo is still the one that saves the day!

*giggles* Ah, translations from the Thorinese into regular-speak. Even when Fili and Kili first wake up his first impulse is to yell at them, but fortunately they understand him!

Thorin had managed to make enemies of both his own father and of this Regent Thráin fellow

*pats Bilbo on the head, awards him a 'you tried' sticker*

This whole story has been so exciting, I'm on the edge of my seat to see if they find any kind of cure!


mithen April 29 2013, 07:13:01 UTC
I love that, despite flailing uselessly with his umbrella, Bilbo is still the one that saves the day!

The sugar animals come to justify lugging them all over Arnor! *grin*

*pats Bilbo on the head, awards him a 'you tried' sticker*

I insist this is all Kili and Fili's fault, they have unknowingly led poor Bilbo astray! He's doing his best... :)

And Thorinese is my new favorite language...


jestana April 28 2013, 16:04:15 UTC
Oh, no! So much for Bilbo's brolly. *grin* I love that the one skeleton is totally confused by it. *snicker*

Thank goodness Balin and Dwalin are there to translate for Thorin. Hehe.

And the spun-sugar animals did some good, yay! *cheers* And Fili got the lion. :D

It looks like Thorin might actually start to respect Bilbo now, too! Though I can't help giggling over the important point Bilbo's still missing: Thorin's father is the Prince Regent. *pets Bilbo*


mithen April 29 2013, 07:15:24 UTC
I love that the one skeleton is totally confused by it. *snicker*

I hope it keeps it forever and uses it on rainy days while strolling around the downs haunting things. *grin*

And the spun-sugar animals did some good, yay! *cheers* And Fili got the lion. :D

That lion was always meant for Fili, he just didn't know it! And yes, homey food items save the day, whoo!

Though I can't help giggling over the important point Bilbo's still missing: Thorin's father is the Prince Regent. *pets Bilbo*

*facepalm* When I realized Fili and Kili wouldn't think to mention it, I just went "Oh no, oh man." Because Bilbo is so going to put his foot in it soon... *winces for Bilbo* It's the nephews' fault, it really is!


jestana April 29 2013, 15:48:16 UTC
And it'd totally confuse people: a skeleton with a daisy-patterned brolly. *giggles madly*

Yep, little lion Fili. *grin* Hooray for a taste of home!

Sadly, yes, it is Fili and Kili's fault in this case because they failed to mention that the Prince-Regent is their grandfather, Thorin's father.


starsandsea April 28 2013, 17:51:28 UTC
There was a sharp tug on his umbrella, and he realized one of the skeletons had grabbed the end of it. "Let go! Let go!" he shrieked, trying to yank it back. It popped open and the skeleton gave a confused rattle as it disappeared behind a screen of daisies.

Oh, Bilbo! *hearts him* (And the skeleton giving a 'confused rattle' is making me giggle, for some reason! :p)

Bilbo was so shaken and jarred that all of his energy was taken up in trying to cling to consciousness as he struggled to process what he had just experienced. Undead armies! Some kind of ghost! It was all insane, and nothing a Baggins of Bag End should ever be involved with, he thought bitterly as he was carried deeper into the dead city of Fornost.

*pets Bilbo*

"--you imbecile!" Thorin's hands were clenched into fists. "I would have expected you to have enough sense to not drag children into the haunted wilds of Arnor. You could have gotten them killed--!" His voice broke off and he turned away from Bilbo to stare at his nephews, silent and wan on the stone slab. In ( ... )


mithen April 29 2013, 11:55:08 UTC
(And the skeleton giving a 'confused rattle' is making me giggle, for some reason! :p)

I...I kind of loved that poor skeleton, he's so confused about what's going on!

Meeep! Thorin! *pets him very gently*

Oh, he was so upset to see his nephews there and hurt... *pets him*

Oh, Balin! Dwalin! *hearts them*

That Balin and Dwalin have become fluent in Thorinese and can translate just makes me so happy!

Poor Fili and Kili, it must be so hard for them, too...

It's been really hard for them, in a way. You'll see more about that later, too... And Fili and Kili having a special bond to Bilbo is just...ahhh, I love it in this world. :)

Thank you so much for the sweet comment!


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