Title: A Great Battle Won in Silence
Relationship: Thorin/Bilbo
Characters: Thorin, Bilbo, Thranduil
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Rating: G
Word Count 2900
Summary: With Thorin and his company imprisoned, Bilbo spends difficult days invisible in the halls of the Elvenking.
Notes: Tweaking book-canon just a bit so Thorin is captured at the
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Comments 20
And of -course- any familiar voice would comfort you, Thorin, keep telling yourself that :P
He would be JUST as happy to listen to Oin! Yes! :D
Mmm, I liked writing Bilbo tempted, especially when the idea of Thorin kneeling to him is what snaps him out of it. :)
And cute moment with Thorin admitting he finds Bilbo's voice comforting. *sigh*
I liked the idea that the Ring might tempt Bilbo with impressing the hell out of Thorin...and that it would also be what pushes the vision too far for him. Glad you liked!
Oh, Bilbo!
Bifur roared out a welcome in Khuzdul
One day he heard one of the elvish courtiers mention that the Elvenking had been asked by someone called Curunír to hold the dwarves, but as Bilbo had no idea who that was, his friends' imprisonment remained a mystery.
Oh, I love that idea, I love that idea SO MUCH.
Sometimes the carved corridors seemed to close in on him, and now and then there was a truly dreadful feeling, as if something were searching for him, something terrible. Then he would find a quiet corner and crouch shivering in the shadows, making himself as small as possible until the feeling passed and he could breathe more easily. He did not sleep well, and when he did he had strange dreams in which he had wizardly powers. With the merest gesture, he could throw upon every door in the stronghold and free his friends--but there was no joy in the ( ... )
Oh, I love that idea, I love that idea SO MUCH.
That one is all Dan's! He's pretty sure that Saruman is meddling quite a bit in events, quietly in the background...
Meeeeep! Oh, Bilbo...! *hugs him*
Brrrr, when I think of Sauron out there being like "I can FEEL that Ring being used somewhere close..." and casting his mind out...I just want to steal Bilbo away and keep him safe!
And I loved the line about Gandalf realizing, later...
I like to imagine Gandalf thinking about Bilbo's adventures and realizing that he's SO MUCH stronger than he seems...
And Orcrist, yes! :D I might be a bit obsessed with Thorin's relationship with Orcrist now. And yes, I'm imagining Thranduil and Gandalf before the Battle of Five Armies: "That dwarf had the temerity to suggest that he found Orcrist in a troll-hoard!" "Um, well, your majesty...the fact of the matter is..." "*facepalm*"
*pets Bilbo*
Thorin made an exasperated sound and shifted his weight against the door. "I do not know when we shall speak again," he said. "And I..." He broke off and growled under his breath for a moment. "I find your voice a comfort," he finished in a rush.
*flails quietly*
went on to tell him a little tale of each of the company's time in the dungeons of the Elvenking: how Ori drew caricatures of the Elvenking on the walls with a bit of charcoal, how Bifur drove the guards mad with his Khuzdul, how Fili and Kili passed on jokes and riddles through Bilbo that kept them all laughing.
Awww, I loved the glimpse of what the other dwarves were doing!
And now we're here, and you trust me, and my goodness, I don't know quite how to react to that.
*hearts Bilbo*
He had to go check the wine cellars, but he decided it wouldn't be a problem if he took a few more minutes ( ... )
Now that they all have personalities, it's fun to try and fill in the gaps! :)
Eeee, I loved this! Bilbo running around and overcoming, really, the worst evil in the world without even knowing it... It was fascinating to see Thranduil and the other Elves through his eyes too!
He really wants to like elves, but they're making it hard on him, I'm afraid! I wonder if he draws a distinction between them and the elves of Rivendell, because they seem so different...
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