Scans: Action Comics #7

Apr 03, 2012 21:08

Action Comics #7:  Written by GRANT MORRISON;  Pencils by RAGS MORALES

Action Comics #8 comes out this week, so I wanted to get the summary of last month up before it came out!  When #6 left off Metropolis had been stolen and Superman has asked General Lane for help in getting the bottled city off Brainiac's ship.  At this point in Superman's ( Read more... )

ch: brainiac, ch: sam lane, scans: action comics, ch: clark kent, ch: lois lane, ch: lex luthor

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ilovetobefree April 3 2012, 22:28:12 UTC
OK, pause for slight eyeroll at the second panel and the increasing tendency to write adult men as talking like fourteen-year-olds (JLA being the worst offender). "Nothing's impossible" is pretty classic Superman, though.
I know. But I just LOVED Clark’s: "I never had to run faster until today." and "Nothing’s impossible." :D

This is the place from my dream.
Oh Clark *hugs him*

Meanwhile, back in the bottled city, Lois, Jimmy and Lex squabble about what's going on until we get a nice new take on the classic line:
AWWWW! The S shield!

Brainiac decides to pull the old "nature or nurture argument" with Superman, not that Clark is buying it:
Yeah! ”All these people are under my protection. Every living thing!” YESSS!

And the image of the people of Metropolis literally standing in his shadow.
Totally AWWWWW! :)

Okay I made my choice.
That was awesome! :)

And... the suit! OMG!!! :D

And the adorable little peek of his briefs above his jeans waistline!
Mmmmmm... :D

Annnnnd, I'm also kind of mesmerized by the fact that Clark apparently strips in front of the entire city of Metropolis. O_O I assume that the base of the city keeps anything below the waistline out of the line of sight? Maybe? Otherwise Metropolis is getting a show it will not soon forget, I'm sure.
*Ha-Ha* I confess, I didn’t think about that reading the comic. But.. you are right. :DD

As a side note, apparently "Kryptonian biotech suit" is the new answer for "How does Clark wear his costume under his civvies without anyone noticing," as revealed in last week's Superman, which is set in the present-day:
:lol I was like - 'OMG! I rather don’t want to know the details' - seeing the explanation. :D

I'm excited for this week's issue, especially because I'm really hoping that Clark leans how to fly at the end of it
I can’t wait! :)

Thank you so much for sharing the scans. You made my day! :)


mithen April 3 2012, 23:55:44 UTC
On the whole, I think Morrtison gets Clark's dialogue just right--it just seems like in every issue there's one line where he's like "Oh yeah, I have to write him as YOUNG, so I'll make him say one weirdly dicky thing." :P Because usually he's wonderful--especially at the end here, I love seeing him angry and protective like that. :)

:lol I was like - 'OMG! I rather don’t want to know the details' - seeing the explanation. :D

LOL, I know! DC writers, he's worn his costume under his clothes for seventy years now, trust me, we don't need some silly explanation! It always amuses me when writers seem to think we need some kind of "scientific explanation" for things that are clearly myths and legends...

I'm going to be traveling (we have an overnight camp with our new first-year students tonight) so I might not be able to read Action right away, I'm unhappy! *bites nails* But it's my top priority when I get somewhere I can download my comics... I hope it ends well!


ilovetobefree April 4 2012, 09:13:02 UTC
It always amuses me when writers seem to think we need some kind of "scientific explanation" for things that are clearly myths and legends...
I think it could be a reaction to discussions of fans on the Internet. I saw some fans talked about Clark’s costume. Some fans always complained it was silly that he wore the costume under his clothes (I don’t know why - true there were moments we saw a bit of his costume when he forgot to button his shirt properly, but most of them lead to funny situations, IMO :)), so DC probably wanted to change it and came with that explanation.

I feel for you about the overnight camp. I wish you have a nice trip with your students and crosses fingers for you to be able to get the new comics downloaded soon. *hugs*


iparadox_cn April 7 2012, 21:23:19 UTC
Action #8 is even awesome I would say! And yeah it did end well in my opinion. Superman finally became Superman! [NO spoilers=P

And btw, it seems Kryptonian has been changed? cannot understand it *weep*


mithen April 9 2012, 01:51:29 UTC
I've read it now! I loved it a lot, too. :) It ended pretty much as I had hoped--although like you, I don't understand Kryptonian at all and it looks different than it used to! *sniffles* But I can work around that, somehow...


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