Yuletide and Fandom Stocking!

Jan 09, 2012 19:55

I got some really fun presents in the fandom_stocking exchange!  I thought I'd share them here so other people can love them too (I assume none of my generous and wonderful recipients will mind if I share the love!)

--A sweet, sad Odo/Kira drabble by daystarsearcher
--A wonderful Spock/Kirk drabble set after the first movie (maybe my favorite time period for this pairing!) by merfilly
-- Moth to a Flame, a fantastic identity-porny movieverse Clark/Bruce ficlet by (squee!) saavikam77
--Distraction, a Shinichi/Kaitou Kid drabble (OMG, I love these two!) by subarukun
--A Garak/Bashir fanmix by dunderklumpen that I'm pretty sure I'm going to wear out listening to.
--To match it, Rumors, a Garak/Bashir story by the amazing navaan


I also thought I'd post AO3 links to my Yuletide and fandom_stocking stories here in one lump to avoid spamming your flist too much, especially since most of them are a little, um, limited in audience (Thuringwethil/Luthien?)

Yuletide Stories and Treats
--A Chord of Roses is from "Song of Arbonne" by Guy Gavriel Kay, featuring a threesome between Lisseut, Blaise, and Ariane in the wake of the death of Ariane's husband.  Kay's writing style--bittersweet and allusive--was fun to try and imitate a little.
--As Winds That Blow Against a Star is from L.M. Montgomery's "Emily of New Moon" series, with an older Dean and Emily finally getting together.  Dean/Emily is a pairing that maybe I shouldn't love (he's creepy, controlling, and obsessive) and yet somehow I just...really wish he'd been a good enough person to deserve her.  Giving him a decade or so to think about his mistakes was the only way I could manage it.
--A Very El Dragon Christmas, because sometimes you just gotta write Superdictionary fic.
--A Borrowed Heart of Gold is a gen story from Mark Waid's "Incorruptible" series.  tangeriner and I swapped stories in this fandom, and although I definitely got the better end of the deal (her story!  I loved it!) I really was happy to have the chance to write Max and Louis hanging out together.

Fandom Stocking Stories
Something went sideways in my head this year and I ended up writing no less than three Tolkien stories, all of them with BDSM or non-con overtures.  Ooooookay.

--In the Houses of Healing, Eowyn/Faramir PWP with some consensual BDSM overtones.
--Spoils of War, a scene from a hypothetical dark AU where Faramir claims the ring, with a definite non-con vibe between him and Eowyn.  In my defense, I think Eowyn triumphs in the end of the longer story this is a fragment of.
--Excerpt from Untold Tales of the Maiar, Silmarillion fic with implied/poetic hatesex between Thuringwethil and Luthien when Luthien comes to take her form.

In (mostly) less weird areas:

--Where All Stories Begin is a Narnia/Anne of Green Gables crossover in which Anne and Gilbert find themselves in a garden with a Lion.
--In Which Big Barda Discovers the Joys of Earth Showers is Barda/Scott Free, and about what it says, although there's more shampoos and flirting than actual sex.
--A Christmas Miracle has Damian, Dick, and Jason being silly in it when Damian and DIck investigate a kidnapping ring that uses Santa costumes to grab kids.
--Baby, It's Cold Outside is a Bruce/Selina PWP that's...not non-con or even dub-con, but does have some implied kink and consent issues.
--A Red Stone Bird is a scene set in the headquarters of Batgirl Inc, about ten years from now.  This is the series I want written someday, but since that seems unlikely to happen, I decided I'd better indulge myself and write a story with Cass, Steph, Barbara and Bette all in it kicking ass together.  There's some Damian/Steph as well.
--Double Vision, a TOS Kirk/Spock, Amanda/Sarek drabble.
--Two Steps Behind is from Babylon 5, festuring the somewhat unlikely but fun pairing of Garabaldi/Ivanova.
--Skinny Dipping is Blakes 7, and the very first pairing I ever wrote fic for, Blake/Avon.  Alas, all the actual skinny dipping is done by Gan and Vila.  :(

Whew!  I had a lot of fun with exchanges this year, but am ready to get back to Clark and Bruce more steadily--the last chapter of "Stranger in a Strange Land" should be up very soon!


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