Scans: Justice League #3

Nov 23, 2011 19:55

Justice League #3:  Written by GEOFF JOHNS;  Art by JIM LEE

My Yuletide assignment has made me so happy! I can happily write two of the prompts and can hardly wait to find the time to do so. :)

Alas, the latest JL had no interaction between Superman and Batman!  However, it did introduce Wonder Woman in rather grand style.  The book opens with Steve Trevor searching for Diana, who has seen parademons on television, taken them for harpies, and gone charging out looking for battle.  Cut to Diana wandering Washington DC, looking for a fight and cream.

Diana is delighted to find a fight and wades in.  We cut to the rest of the League fighting parademons and...I have to say, I'm not thrilled about how they write the battles, because the heroes (and especially Superman) seem to take particular glee in dismembering, beheading, and splattering parademons everywhere.  OK, yeah, they're pretty much evil incarnate, but I'm not so fond of the butchery.  Oh, also, Hal remains delightfully dumb:

"The what?  The people?  The ones I'm technically supposed to be protecting?  Oh, I didn't notice them."

In between fighting scenes, we see Victor Stone's father trying to save his life after he got burned and mauled by parademons.  It turns out the technology used to save him (and make him Cyborg) seems to be of Apokoliptan origin?  Vic starts having visions of Darkseid once he's plugged into it, at least, which could be interesting.

Diana shows up and the boys respond as if they're about 15 (which is about the age Johns seems to write everyone at, lol):

Look at Superman totally checking Diana out and get ready for some Kal/Diana flirtation!  Not sure where it'll end up, but I wouldn't be surprised if it went pretty far...

Then the ocean boils and out steps:

Ha, I like that as an Arthurian opening line, I have to admit.

So, JL continues being Big Dumb Action, but a lot of fun!

ch: wonder woman, ch: clark kent, ch: arthur curry, ch: steve trevor, ch: barry allen, ch: bruce wayne, ch: hal jordan, scans: justice league

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