Title: Stranger in a Strange Land: Social Outing
Pairing/Characters: Clark/Bruce, Dick/Roy, Tim, Barbara, Roni Vreeland
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Continuity: Justice League Unlimited
Summary: Kal goes to a party under a false name with Bruce and his wards to get a taste for human society.
Word Count: 2400
Notes: For a prompt on the
worlds_finest birthday thread: "Krypton doesn't explode until Kal-El is an adult. He arrives on Earthstill the last son, but having seen his planet die. To the JLA's surprise, Batman is the one to volunteer to help him." All chapters can be found
"What is this thing?" Kal-El stood in the doorway of Bruce's bedroom, a strip of black cloth in his hands and a look of despair in his eyes. "I do not understand its purpose, nor how to wear it."
"It's a bow tie," Bruce said, reaching up to tap the bow under his own chin.
Kal's eyes narrowed as his gaze went from the tied bow to the cloth in his hands. "And its purpose?"
"It's...ceremonial," Bruce said. "It goes with that tuxedo you're wearing."
Frowning, Kal wrapped the band around his neck, then fiddled with it, craning his chin back to peer at it. "It is some kind of test of dexterity?" His hands blurred with motion, but the tie remained a mess. Kal made an annoyed sound. "You can adjust this? Then stop snickering at me and help me," he growled at Bruce.
Bruce hesitated just a moment before moving to the doorway and taking the ends of Kal's tie in his hand. "May I...?"
"Did I not just ask you to? Is there some English subtlety I am missing here?" Kal's voice was exasperated, but with an undercurrent of laughter. After a week at Wayne Manor he had started to relax enough that his sense of humor glinted through his seriousness at times, although he remained a fundamentally solemn man. He had fallen into a comfortable rapport with the kids: taking advice about acrobatic aerial moves from Dick, paying almost courtly attention to Barbara. Even Tim, still fiercely protective of Dick and eager to resent Kal, had loosened up enough to tease him now and then.
Around Bruce, however, he was still usually formal and distant. Only rarely did Bruce evoke a glimmer of a smile or a warming of his eyes. Bruce knew he should probably stop trying; Kal was clearly never going to be at ease with him.
And yet somehow here he was, his hands mere inches from that strong chin and those gentle lips.
Impressed at how steady his hands were, Bruce quickly tied a sharp bow into Kal's tie. "So, are you ready to be introduced to Gotham polite society?"
Kal stepped back a pace, then extended his hand. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said with exaggerated politeness. "My name is Kalev Eller, from the city of Tallinn in Estonia. Bruce is an old friend of mine from his days of studying at Tallinn University, and he invited me to come visit your charming city." That muted twinkle was back in his eyes. "Then I shake hands if my interlocutor is male, or if female--" He raised the back of Bruce's hand toward his lips as if to kiss it. "Barbara taught me that," he said as Bruce extricated his hand hastily before it could come into contact with Kal's mouth. "She said it would help me appear more European."
"That might be overdoing it a bit," said Bruce.
"I see," said Kal, nodding solemnly, just the slightest hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
Goaded by curiosity, Bruce couldn't help but ask: "Would that make you uncomfortable, touching a hand with your mouth? If you can't touch food..."
He had worried the question would make Kal uncomfortable, but instead he merely looked confused. "I don't see what--oh," Kal said, his face clearing. "I'm not going to eat your hand, am I?" he asked with a hint of mischief in his eyes. "In fact, I promise to refrain from even licking it. We do not have this hand-kissing custom on Krypton, but I find it unobjectionable." He tilted his head, considering. "In fact, I can see the appeal of a greeting that allows one the chance to make such a fleeting, almost furtive intimate contact." He smiled at Bruce, a little sheepishly. "Forgive me my enthusiasm. You have all made me feel so at home here, but I am eager to see more of your world than the Manor grounds." He looked amazing in a tuxedo, his brilliant eyes the only spot of color, his mouth hovering so close to a smile. For an instant, Bruce regretted that he hadn't let those lips graze his knuckles, just to feel their texture and warmth.
"You'll be escorting Barbara," he said instead, quashing the thought ruthlessly.
"Barbara?" A look of puzzlement flitted across Kal's face. "I thought--" The sentence broke off and Kal's mouth tightened slightly, but he didn't finish the sentence.
"It makes sense for you to go with a date. It'll cut back on the number of Gotham ladies flirting with you," Bruce said with a grin that Kal didn't return. It would also, with any luck, cut back on the inevitable rumors that Kal was Bruce's lover, although nothing could stop them completely. "Dick will be going with Roy, and Tim with his friend Marva."
Kal was still frowning. "And you?"
"I work best alone," Bruce said with a rakish wink, and this time Kal did smile, if somewhat wanly.
"I am nervous," he said, his voice low. "I want so much to fit in here."
Bruce clapped him briefly on the shoulder, trying to ignore the way Kal stiffened at his touch. "Just relax, be polite, and follow Barbara's lead. Don't make waves and you'll fit in fine."
: : :
There was a harpsichord playing in a corner somewhere, and across the room Kal--Kalev--was chatting with Veronica Vreeland, with Barbara at his side, the tactful intermediary. From Roni's sparkling eyes and high color, the conversation seemed to be going well indeed. Bruce took another sip of his ginger ale, trying to pay attention to the conversation about golf he had somehow ended up in. Somewhere during the description a particularly challenging chip shot, Bruce realized that his eyes were still on Kal, and gave up the attempt. Extricating himself from the conversation, he wandered across the room to where Roni was casting a laughing glance at Kal out of her long green eyes.
"I see you've met my old friend Roni," Bruce said, linking arms with her and smiling.
"Bruce, darling, why have you kept this gorgeous man from us?" purred Roni.
"Kalev has been adjusting to the time difference," Bruce said as Kal looked down at his drink, his cheeks red.
"I wanted to be well-rested before I explored your beautiful city," Kal said.
"Well, I'm sure you'll find Gotham completely enchanting," Roni said. "I'll show you around sometime, since Bruce has been so shamefully remiss."
"I find Gotham captivating already," Kal murmured, and Roni practically preened. "It is such a...bold city. So strong and mysterious."
"Oh," said Roni, clapping her hands together, "I have someone you need to meet!"
She darted into the crowd and Kal whispered to Barbara, "Am I doing all right?"
She squeezed his arm. "You're doing great, Kalev."
"I saw Tim earlier. He introduced me to Miss Cooper," Kal said, turning to Bruce, "But I haven't seen Dick."
"He's over there," said Bruce, pointing toward the veranda where Dick and Roy were standing, lost in conversation, their heads close together.
"He looks happy," said Kal.
"They've been together a couple of years now," Bruce said. "They've had their rough patches, but I think they're going to last."
"I wonder if we'll be going to a wedding soon," Barbara said teasingly, and Bruce groaned.
"It's just the idea of a huge society wedding," he explained at Kal's puzzled look. "I hope they at least have the sense to elope."
Kal eyed him narrowly. Then he smiled. "You are joking," he said.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm learning how to read you," Kal said. Barbara nudged him and giggled, and Bruce felt more nonplussed than he probably should at the implication that someone was paying attention to him.
"Here we are," said Veronica Vreeland, re-appearing with an elegant, white-haired man in a tuxedo in tow. "Kalev, this is Professor Paul Aavik of the University of Tartu. Professor Aavik, this is Kalev Eller, a countryman of yours." She beamed at both of them, delighted to have brought two Estonians together so far from their native land.
"Tore sinuga tuttavaks saada," said the professor, holding out his hand, and Bruce froze in horror.
Kal took the extended hand, smiling. "Meeldiv teiega tuttavaks saada," he responded. Within moments, the two were engaged in a vivid conversation in Estonian.
After some time, Professor Aavik drifted away, beaming, and Bruce herded Kal over to the dessert table. Kal contemplated his options, then picked out some sweets in small paper cups that he could eat without touching. "As it turns out," Kal said, "He was an astronomer, so we had quite a nice chat." He glanced over at Bruce's raised eyebrow, that muted twinkle back in his eye. "Well, when you told me I would pretend to be Estonian, it seemed like a good idea to take a crush course in the language."
"Crash," said Bruce.
Kal looked around. "Where?"
"Crash course," Bruce clarified. "I'm beginning to suspect you are more sly than you look, Kal."
Kal gave him a look so wide-eyed and innocent that Bruce nearly choked on his petit four. "Sly? Merely prepared." He smiled and leaned closer, lowering his voice to a confidential whisper. "But I confess I am terrified I will have to dance with Barbara. I have learned no human dances yet." He looked across the room to the dance floor, where Dick and Roy were dancing together, a waltz. They were changing leads every stanza of the song. "They are so graceful," he said. "We did not dance as couples on Krypton. It was considered unseemly."
"Shocking," said a woman's voice from the other side of the dessert table, pinched with disapproval.
"It's an embarrassment," agreed the man next to her.
Bruce followed the couple's gaze to where Dick and Roy were dancing. Kal looked from the couple's sour faces to Dick and Roy, then shot a look at Bruce. The society couple had moved into some inventive ways to express their disapproval, gleeful smugness in their voices.
Bruce shrugged, eyebrows raised in a what can you do about it? look. He and Dick had gotten used to the innuendo and slanders years ago; it was part of the facade now, no worse a thing to live with than the bruises and fractures they got on the street every evening. They'd laugh about it later, but for now--
"Excuse me." Bruce turned to realize that Kal was no longer at his side, but was politely addressing the sneering couple. He cleared his throat when they ignored him. "Excuse me," he repeated. "Forgive me for interrupting your conversation, but is it not legal for gay couples to marry in every state in your country now?" They stared at him, and he smiled diffidently; only Bruce could see that his hands were tightly clasped behind his back, as if to keep them from shaking. "It seems odd to me that something that is legal should be the source of such irrational reactions." The man frowned and muttered something, his face annoyed. "Dick Grayson is a fine young man," said Kal. "I'm terribly sorry, but I cannot allow you to say such rude things about my host."
"Come, dear," said the woman, grabbing the man's arm and pulling him away with a last glare at Kal. Kal's color was high as others turned to look at the disturbance, but his jaw was set and his eyes stern.
Bruce had thought he couldn't get any more beautiful.
"Kalev!" Barbara emerged from the crowd of people who were carefully not-staring at the spectacle and took Kal's arm, steering him back to Bruce's side. She beamed at him, squeezing his arm. "You were magnificent."
"Good work," said a voice at Bruce's elbow. He turned to find Tim looking at Kal, his small face solemn. "I'm glad someone is willing to speak out," he said with a mutinous look at Bruce.
Bruce bit his tongue on a desire to remind Tim they'd talked about this in the past, but Kal merely shook his head, looking uncomfortable. "As an outsider--" A glint of a smile at the understatement, "--it is easier for me to say such things than for a person with a family interest." He cast a sheepish glance at Bruce, then cast his eyes down. "You told me not to make waves and to fit in. Forgive me."
"There's nothing to forgive," Bruce said once he could trust his voice. "You acted heroically."
The embarrassment and guilt fled Kal's face, transformed into a dazzling smile of relief and delight. "I'm glad," he said simply. He turned to Barbara. "I was just telling Bruce that Dick and Roy dance so well together," he said, indicating the couple who was continuing to waltz, oblivious to anything but each other, their steps in perfect synchronicity, their bodies nearly touching. "And I was wishing--" He broke off suddenly. "I was wishing I could dance like them," he continued slowly. "So naturally."
Barbara laughed. "Of course you can dance like them!" She grabbed his arm and started dragging him toward the dance floor. "I'll show you," she announced.
Kal cast an imploring look back at Bruce, but it was too late--Tim and Marva had seen them coming and seized him as well, urging him to join the dance. By the time Dick and Roy had convinced the harpsichordist to do the Electric Slide and were teaching Kal the steps, his embarrassment seemed to have receded slightly, although his movements were still stiff and awkward. He kept looking over at Bruce as if hoping for rescue, but Bruce didn't want to embarrass him further or risk getting dragged into the dance along with him, which would only make Kal more uncomfortable.
Keeping on the sidelines was best, he thought, watching Kal's face alight with laughter.
(Part 5: Advice)