It's been over a year. I should have done this by now...
Okay, so a couple of days ago my hard drive kinda died. Utterly. And in doing so I lost my Entertainment folder since it was too big to backup as well as all my important stuff like original artwork and all that crap. So I lost a bunch of stuff like pictures and fan vids and what not and since it is going to take me a while to get everything that I can remember back I am going to keep a list of stuff here.
Feel free to ignore this :)
Farscape fan vids
- (basically trawl through and download all the ones I like instead of downloading everyone I could find like I did the first time round).
HP vids
Ice ice baby
Um, the Marauders one set to Tourniquet
Accidentally in love
Walk alone
Supernatural (dear god this is going to be huge)
The glass by thingswithwings
little less conversation by giandujakiss
sweet baby by lc
easier to run by dayln
youtube old movie style yed any other name
All day long i dream about sex J2 - by ringwench
scrubs - sexy back - by whitful dreamer
just like you - dayln
CJ - I remember - gwyneth and jo
one week - zee
fight club cells - obsessive24
6 between us - kitty
Argh, I am sure there I had heaps more spn vids than that.