So who wants to join a new Vidding community?

Jan 21, 2021 22:47

Hello fellow vid makers and watchers,

I've been thinking about creating a new vidding community and I am trying to gauge interest.

The previous Equinox Exchange format got me thinking about a Vidding Prompt Meme, like the various Kink Memes you see about, and as far as I am aware none really exist.

The plan would be to use AO3's Prompt Meme function to allow people to leave prompts but it would be super casual, no official claims, no deadlines, and it would also last for like a year. There would also be no minimum length requirement so you could totally just make a vidlet to motivate yourself.

You would need an AO3 account to leave prompts but anyone could come, make a vid, and post to whatever platform they choose.

I may have also start registering the community...

But to gauge interest, I have created a Google Form. So if you like the idea, please fill out the form to let me know! This entry was originally posted at Please comment at either location.
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