Title: Yellow Flicker Beat
mithborienDetails: Transistor | 3.47 | "Yellow Flicker Beat" by Lorde | Made for
festivids | Warning for flashing lights
Youtube |
DW |
AO3 |
TumblrDownload: 103mb @
Dropbox Hey, Red. Made for
isagel Click to view
Notes: As I said in my
festivids notes, this vid does absolutely no justice to the beautiful visuals, art, gameplay, environment, story or characters of the game itself. I started playing the game a couple of months ago and then hurriedly finished playing so I could vid it.
Also, I'm curious as to how much of the story actually came across in the vid? You learn a lot of the story through dialogue in the game, which I obviously didn't include.
This was also my first time vidding from gaming footage which was it's own challenge. Gameplay tends to be easily discernible from trailer footage, not to mention having to discard the footage where the mouse shows. The mouse is the talky-face of game vids.
Festivids post. This entry was originally posted at
http://mithborien.dreamwidth.org/133579.html. Please comment at either location.