[ 1 ] I had churros with nummy hot chocolate dip, a cup of rich cocoa sprinkled with cinnammon, and a glass of cold mocha frappucino in the space of an hour the other night. That was more than 48 hours ago, my stomach is still recovering. >.< The site of food is enough to make my tummy want to cry. I am hungry. This actually happens nearly every time I have a frap, but I suppose the chocolate made it worst. I can be stubborn like that.
My friend insisted that we play the Crash & Quick arcade game, which is basically a quick draw game with four stages wherein you try to get the fastest time in shooting down all the targets. I didn't want to, but he insisted and dared to see if I could beat him. *eyebrow* I beat him at 6.38 seconds, which isn't actually my fastest time because I used to play this game a lot at Glorietta and my fastest time was 4.3, but only after I'd spent a small fortune playing it. See, I don't like playing at the arcade, but give me a nice shooting game and I can spend money and time playing it. Others find this surprising, as when it comes to console or PC games, I dislike shooting games like Counterstrike, Halo, etc.
[ 2 ] For some reason So I've been getting messages via IMs and SMS asking whether I'd gotten my HP book yet and/or to tell me they'd gotten theirs already. The answer is no. I don't buy the books, but I do read my sister's copy (she got her book yesterday). When HP book 5 came out previously, I was forced to read through the book rather quickly because my cousin shoved it at me when I wasn't even looking to borrow it. I thought it impolite to refuse.
It will probably be a while before I even start reading book 6, as I'm in the middle of reading something else. This is just a heads up so that people stop asking and I can stop getting, 'Oh's and 'Why not?'s cause I hate to trample on people's enthusiasm. It completely kills the conversation. :P Though I don't think I should be worrying about this now, as people seem to simply not be going online anymore. *eyebrows at only 9 people online on her buddylist*
[ 3 ] I've lined up all the unfinished games I have on the backburner and refuse to start a new game before I go through the whole list. Which means I've picked up .hack//mutation again and will consider the entire series as one game. My list consists of the following:
1. .hack series
2. Kingdom Hearts (>.<)
3: Star Ocean 3 'Til the End of Time (optional dungeons)
4. Xenosaga II (optional dungeons)
5. Shining Tears
6. Arc the Lad: End of Darkness (ungh.)
Will be playing SMT: Nocturne (not finished), my second playthrough of Digital Devil Saga (to get to Hitoshura) and the nth playthrough of Demento (to finish the movies list) to keep me sane while doing this. Although it's only Kingdom Hearts and Arc the Lad which i'm not looking forward to playing at all anyway.
I keep forgetting to buy a 36mb memory card. =/ I have 650kb left on my current one.
Speaking of memory space, I wish there was a way for game companies to make clear game saves smaller. I have a ton of them which I don't want to delete, so they're just sitting there taking up space. I am boggled by the 33kb save slots that the Xenosaga game takes up. I wish all games took up that much.
[ 4 ] I have been sucked into
Gaia Online. "WTF?!" you say. Yea, I can't believe it either. -_- Well, I can fish, and that's all that matters. ^____^ And I can make gold.