
Feb 09, 2009 13:35

I made it to Somerset for the weekend despite gloomy predictions and the weather so that is encouraging and I may be more over my reluctance to drive out of the comfort zone (I think it was having a "shed" for so long - I was convinced it would break down if It went too far).

Then now with a newer and newly serviced car the weather fairies did there worst. So I set of with blankets, a shovel, and old curtain to provide traction, boots, more spare clothes than you an shake a stick at, hot coffee, jelly babies as well as the AA card and fully charged mobile. None of which I needed though I drank the coffee and the jelly babies are no more.

The snow has cleared in the immediate area (too much salt in the air for it too last long without it being significantly colder), it was hanging around by the time I got to the airport.

I aimed for Bere Regis since I thought I would avoid the shoppers heading for Poole and of course got stuck behind a hay lorry which looked a bit vulnerable. I might have been bale ot get past but the centre of the road was a bit mucky with filthy snow and it wasn't worth the risk of skidding into a ditch so I had to wait about 10 miles before we got to dual carriageway. Fortunately was past by the time the second carriageway was unusable due to remaining snow. Bit disconcerting passing crashed and abandoned vehicles. I was expecting it to get worse but the Yeovil road was clearer and I made up some time.

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