
Jan 07, 2003 01:45

lo de do

soo, I had a werid ass dream last night that I was stuck in a scene from Lord of the Rings, and I was about to make out with Spencer, but then I thought that would screw up things with Justin so I decided not to and ended up messing around with Justin instead. Odd dream, yes!

So, as Salina says, I'm a friend-Nazi, in that I can't stand losing friends, even the most distant of folks I hate losing touch, but when it is a close friend, it kills. It took me forever to stop trying to get together with Mark P. before I gave up on him. So here I am in the same predicament with Mr. Erick and yes I keep talking about this, I'm hoping soon it will stop bugging me that he and I barely speak anymore. In one of his entries he wrote that it is rare for him to hang out with folk for too long before he starts to get annoyed when them, I think that is what happened with he and the crew and thus left the mitey trio out of old school.

So I was talking to my sister online yesterday and she was telling me how all her friends thought my roommate Ola was soo cute. Dude, I hate this shit, it so bugs me that people get swept up by beauty to the point where they feel an immediate affection towards someone based on their looks. It doesn't even occur to them "hmm, I wonder what she is like as a person" because if they knew this chick and how she has no friends b/c she tells them all off for the stupidest shit, and can't hold down a boyfriend b/c they realize too quickly that she is psycho (and end up breaking into the apartment to scream at her and tell her she is evil) but this never flashes through the minds of those mezmorized by beauty....however lack of beauty is an immediate turn off point no matter how awesome the PERSON under the skin really is...bullshit

Next: the news is bugging me soo much dude, I can't stand this "one side only" coverage. Today on my drive home from Starbucks I was listening to loveline and Adam Corolla was talking to some caller about Afghanistan and Bahrain, and Uzbeckistan. The caller was saying how the people there sucked and to that Adam said "thank you, thank you for saying that, I hate to hear 'the government sucks and the living conditions are horrible, but the people are awesome' becasue that is a bunch of bull shit, the people are not awesome if the government is one of them..." that made me soo angry b/c he is making blanket statements about places he's never been, the people inthe middle east are fucking hospitable and awesome...sorry is some Taliban Fucks are screwing up the country of Afghanistan, and the Pashtun tribe is also fragmenting the nation and fucking with the idea of a centralized government. then there is the issue of 'democratizing' Iraq. In that article "weapons of mass destruction" were not even mentioned untill the 5th paragraph, everyhing else was about outsting Saddam and some key administrators and then putting in a new "democracy" to watch over the oil fields. Like "Bowling for Columbine" said, the US folks are already so scared by what the media throws at them that they no loner need an excuse to revolt against...ummm, anyone for any reason. disgusting

Another note: Never assume anything about boys based on any of the following: Their age (doesn't indicate maturity)
Where they went to school (does not
indicate intelligence)
Past relationships (does not indicate
that they can hold any type of
current relation)
Their attitude towards you (does no
indicate their intentions or what
they want)
Conclusion: boys are stupid

Now: post high school relations: I seem to be able to hold lengthy conversations with people that I would never have crossed paths with in high school. This, I mark, as a sign of maturity. Dude, high school is sooo destructive to the mind, I don't know how i survived it.

Next: confidence and flirtation

So, ever since I left the Castro Valley atmosphere I have noticed I lost my ability to flirt. While here I would get fliratous at work, at parties, hanging out. In berkeley, it is such a serious environment that I have lost this skill. So, does this mean I am just rusty? that I have lost my confidence..was I more confident before and thus able to flirt? I think I stopped flirting b/c I wanted to have a chance for a serious relation with a dude, flirting leads primarily to one thing..messing around, but getting to know someone on a bit more serious of a note seems to bring more...but that is also not fool proof.

last comment: I decide..I want to get the industrial piercing in my right ear.
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