Apr 23, 2012 23:48
How did I not know Matt Bomer was in an episode of Glee? How did I not know Matt Bomer was in an episode of Glee as Blaine's brother? I know my love of Glee kind of sputtered and died halfway through season two, but I should still have known for Matt Bomer. I only knew about it after I IMBD-ed him. Then me and my sister sat at the desktop on YouTube, sharing a set of headphones while we watched the clips of him and Darren Criss singing.
I was transferring White Collar from my external hard drive to a USB drive for my sister and ended up watching the first three episodes of Gravitation. The anime. The one that I was hardcore into in like 2002. Man, what the hell was I thinking? Seriously. It's pretty horrible. Yuki is so bad for Shuichi. It's such a fucked up relationship, that kid should be running so far from that shit. Looking back, I think most yaoi/shounen ai series' are pretty much horrible and depict similarly unhealthy dynamics.
Kim, you're probably never going to be able lure me into watching an anime series again. I think I'm immune to it now. Okay, that and I'm too lazy to read the subtitles anymore. Although... shit, where's that one about the baseball players? I think I put it around here somewhere...
Last week's drunken nacho night was a success. I really enjoyed myself. Lost was added to NetFlix, so me and Toni sat and marathoned the first 19 episodes. It's probably not a good show to marathon under the influence of alcohol, but it certainly made things interest. There's so much I don't understand! To make matters worse, the NetFlix payment didn't go through today, so they've cut off service so I can't watch more until that's taken care of. I'm on season two now! There's so much I still need to know!
Cabin in the Woods was actually a good film. I definitely recommend it to anyone who likes that sort of thing even a little bit. It's not your typical scary movie. Plus it had Topher from Doll House on it and Chis Hemsworth! How can you say no to that?