
Mar 03, 2009 14:34

The Ups and Downs Today Thus Far:

DOWN: Waking up out of a great, epic dream that really needed closure. I MUST get to the temple in the center of the jungle Swamp in order to save my friends! No matter that the waters are full of dancing Clydesdales, the dark wizard must be stopped!

UP: Shower. Today is a Wash Hair day. Yay.

DOWN: No good emails.

UP: Apparently I can purchase a fake dip1oma that looks SO REA1! Fie upon the Two year program and going into debt! I'm buying my way to success!

DOWN: Yeah, no.

UP: Out to Border's, to evaluate and purchase some study materials, specifically math.

DOWN: JESUS CHRIST I FORGOT HOW MUCH I HATE MATH. Specifically, words like 'properties of proper fractions.' And those words' ability to make me break out into a cold sweat with gestures no more threatening than lying printed upon a page.

UP: The Parisian Sushi Chef at Fuji hits on me. Mistook me for French (for some reason) and was insistent that he could help me study for the math portion of the GRE, despite the fact he didn't seem to know what it was.

DOWN: My usual social retardation kicks in, and I wonder why he's REALLY talking to me. I spend the rest of my lunch eating with ridiculous care, and still managing to get soy sauce all over myself and my face. I also wonder if he's got to get married in order to stay in the country and how many other women he's tried this with.

FUN FACTS: Did you know that when people hit on me I freak out and imagine that they have some nefarious purpose? And that I can't take compliments?

BONUS: Top Five bizarre things I've said in response to people showing the slightest interest in me that was not 'Could you please move' or 'Could you spare a quarter?' I get weirdly defensive and either come up with standoffish things to say, or just blurt out insanity.

1. 'I'm sorry, I was born without genitals.' (Drunk at a party, I didn't like the way the guy smelled or his getting 'handsy')

2. 'My doctor says I shouldn't stand close to people because of my explosive violent temper.' (General use)

3. 'I do not have any drugs to sell you.' (Spoken to a German guy at the Castle, who for some reason, I decided was a NARC and wanted to buy drugs from me-I became annoyed at my perceived impression of his trying to entrap me)

4. 'I wash six times a day and am still never clean!' (Response to some kind of European man who was trying to sell me exotic soap while he hit on me--I wanted him to know I'd use the soap)

5. 'My Grandparents may have been related so my genetic viability is in question.'

foolishness, my crazy let me show you it, life the universe and everything, fewd

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