So how did you spend YOUR
International Tapir Day? I spent it shuffling around and moaning about how sore I am! Yayyyyy!!!
Yesterday, after all the physical labor of stump-removal, we ate, sat around, and then did kettlebells. Since we got an actual BOOK, 'Enter the Kettlebell' by Pavel Tsatsouline, who actually brought discussion of the whole thing to America, we decided to start over at zero and practice harder on form. We practiced VERY hard on form.
Then, on TOP of what would have already been crippling pain, I went on a rare downtown jaunt dancing at AKA Lounge, which was having an Hocico release party. My friend
monoworld DJs downtown pretty regularly, and he was spinning a lot of industrial/ebm/noise type stuff. Things with a bit faster beat than someone elderly like me is used to! Plus, I was wearing absolutely LUDICROUS SHOES and we wandered around downtown a bit before even getting to the club because neither Nathan or I could remember where it was. God, I'm so old. My legs were hurting about ten minutes after we got to the lounge, where we met up with
onceupon, and while some beer helped, I just had to call it an early night. I looked very cute I thought, and am pleased my outfit came out all right. I had Nathan take pics of me before our night out but since he can't live with the AC set below 75 and I was wearing a LOT of fabric and stockings, I was extremely sweaty by the time he took it. So I'm not posting it here.
This morning we started the day with massive, riCOCKulous Irish breakfasts at Scruffy Murphy's, an Irish pub and restaurant in our neighborhood. It was absurd. Plus, since I'd already eaten two pieces of toast at about 9, I was pretty sure I was on the verge of rupturing something halfway through my meal. It had Irish-style bacon, sausages, eggs done over easy so they were crispy, baked beans in some kind of sweet maple sauce, delicious toast, and onion-y roasted potatoes. I obviously couldn't finish all mine and so it sits in the refridgerator, and will probably be eaten by Nathan when he thinks I'm not looking.
We got some stuff to get Nathan's bike back in order, and tried to go to a used bike shop to get one for me but both places we went were closed Sundays. Then we came home and I passed the hell out for 2.5 hours. You have to understand I'm all weak and wobbly from the leg workout I got yesterday, and that's just in my hips. The real fun will undoubtedly start tonight when my thighs finally start hurting from all the dancing. AND my arms hurt from triceps Friday night, and kb overhead presses yesterday. I'm already whiny and weepy now, god knows in a couple hours I'll be paralytic with tears.
Also, I see I've been a horrible person and actually have MISSED PEOPLE'S BIRTHDAYS. I'm doing a special post for all those folks!