Apr 09, 2008 22:25
I was watching a makeup tutorial on Youtube just now when it came upon me that I was almost nodding off!
Today I did the usual ludicrous amount of work, even staying late to make up a bit of the time I lost Monday (no PTO until June or so), went and got a Wacky Wednesday pizza for dinner, finished Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, and worked on the painting a little bit. It's hard because it's a winter scene, but I want it to have depth and be a rich winter scene. I want various qualities of white, gray, and black.
Plans for a Day In the Life post remain, it's just taking me a bit of time getting comfortable with the idea of my picture being taken. I'm all funny about that, you know.
things i'm working on,
wacky wednesday,
wednesday's child trusted a stranger,