Fiddle My Sticks!

Feb 18, 2008 20:09

Last night on the way home from the gym I said to Nathan, "It'd be nice if we'd had some word on the house, if Foster's sold it or anything. That way we'd know if we need to start packing and getting rid of stuff for the move in July."

Lo and behold, there was a voice mail when we got back from the new owners, asking us to give them a call.

We did, and arranged for them to come by and meet us this morning. They sounded like a pleasant older couple, and were doing that thing where they had me on speaker and were shouting into the phone.

Foster'd sold it and I guess all the paperwork was finished up on the 14th, which is when he mailed us a letter.

We met them this morning, and my fears that they were elderly god-fearing folk who wanted to throw out our godless asses and convert the house to a Christian daycare were happily unfounded. They arrived in a Prius.

Basically the guy who'd owned our house bit off more than he could chew in the real estate boom a few years ago, and fell behind on his mortgages. When he couldn't make the payments and couldn't sell the house, it reverted to the pleasant people who loaned him the money in the first place, some private mortgage lenders.

They made note of all the stuff that's still messed up, like the dryer vent, master bathroom toilet, and AC unit, assured us that they were planning on renting the house for a few years (unless we wanted to buy it, which we all had a jolly laugh about; I can't afford name brand ketchup) and that we seemed like 'responsible, professional, nice people.' It'd be stupid of them to try and get rid of us since we make our payments on time and aren't that dangerous, so it looks like our housing worries can be crossed off of 'Jen's Big Headache List.' Also, we didn't renew our lease with them yet in case we decide to shake off the Otown dust and set out for Pastures New.

I found a pretty sweet job on the UCF website that I'm applying for tomorrow since my awesome cover letter and updated resume are on my work machine (stupid, I know, but sometimes I forget these things) and will continue my slow but determined uphill struggle to find a better job.

I'm halfway done with the painting my friend commissioned of me (tremendous boost of self-confidence, I don't mind saying) and am pleased with how it's coming out.

I'm doing my taxes later this week, and this weekend we're taking the computer down to my parents and they're taking us to the Ft. Lauderdale Ren Faire.

Things continue moving forward, it seems. Which is a nice change, you know?

stuff and things, chatterings, job stuff, jobhunting blows, werk stuph

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