Monday Morning Wibblings

Oct 08, 2007 11:13

Still playing catchup, and also working like mad on this new project. No time for the questions game or decorating birds until later tonight unfortunately.

It is a wonderful thing to have a totally black and cheerless mood turned upside down by a single instance. I was facing the prospect of more bills than money again this week, when I suddenly remembered the 150 dollars I squirreled away in my savings account. *whew*

Grandpa Simpson is 'hrm?'-ing and 'humph!'-ing more so than usual, and his grunts on top of the vapid conversations of my wall-neighbor I overhear every day (she needs a name. . .what's a good name for her?) are distracting me with fantasies of beating them with my shoes.

Factoids on my Wall-Neighbor, to help with the naming process.

-She whines when she talks. Everything she says sounds like she's whining or apologizing.

-She has forty conversations a day with her husband, of the 'I think I paid that bill, what should we have for dinner, do your parents like our puppy, OMG X thing happening on Y tv show was just TOO MUCH!' variety.

-She doesn't know what a fucking Celt is. Seriously. She was talking about how she was going to this new 'bar' downtown called 'The Harp and Selt.' She was talking about a pub I'd visited and loved called the 'Harp and Celt.' She thinks it might have something to do with the Boston Celtics, which in the states are pronounced 'seltics,' a US-based malapropism that causes a weary sigh in all intelligent people. All other pronounciations of 'celt' are with a hard C. She has a MASTERS in EDUCATION and yet knows shit about anything else.

monday, werkywerk, wibblings

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