Tomorrow we get to go grocery shopping. I'm way excited about this. I have a list.
And on Friday, for real and true, we'll have enough left over that I can get some new clothes. Which is great, because most of my shirts and some of my pants don't fit me anymore.
. . . well, they 'fit,' but aren't exactly work-appropriate.
More appropriate if I was trying to fit the 'vaguely threatening woman at the bar in overly tight clothes that must rearrange everything to remain decent.' Then it works just fine.
But since I'm not competing in the Scary BarWench daily events I must gird my girth more conservatively.
*********In Other News**********
I am in love with the Youtube videos of Ramsey and Pablo, the Dobermann and Chihuahua featured on Cuteoverload the other day.
I realized that even though we can't get a pet right NOW, (and the other day I was on the verge of just stopping off at a shelter and getting a dog or cat, never mind I have NOTHING at home for it or can afford food for vet bills, but at least I didn't) I can at least get my fix online.
Here's the first video, which seemed vaguely ominous when it started playing.
Since I have animal cruelty (both from man to dog and dog to other dog) on the brain from reading CNN every day and their constant reporting of PitBulls as the new Killer Bees, I thought it:
1. Would End in Tragedy
2. Displayed a man cruelly taunting a chihuahua that he didn't much like in favor of a macho dog that he did.
3. Seemed awful how it ended with his admonishment of 'I didn't think so,' as if Little Pablo's failure to get the bone only reinforced the idea that might makes right, and the little guy will always lose in the face of a larger, stronger foe.
But I also couldn't see them posting a video where an animal is actually hurt. And the name 'Pablo' for a chihuahua makes me laugh for some reason.
Pablo's Life Lesson
Click to view
Precious. I love the chi's ears going up and down and his sad little mews of longing. He's so crushed that he's not getting his way. In other videos, it's clear they get along and are good housemates, but this time she just wasn't going to bend to his usually iron will.
The Sock Battle
Click to view
Here's one that, in a different context, looks goddamn terrifying. I had trouble watching it at first because I've been attacked by a few dogs but then you can tell she's playing too. I sometimes get nervous around big dogs that aren't well-trained, but that's something I'm slowly getting over.
Crazy Dobermann
Click to view
And that's my vicarious pet ownership fix for the day!