this past week has included, lack of sleep, lack of food, and lack of social interaction

Apr 01, 2006 17:16

1. My ex is: still my friend

2. Maybe I should: eat something eventually

3. I love: playgrounds, the rain, times in the car, and the old days

4. I don't understand: anyone, or myself for that matter

5. I lost: everyone that meant something to me

6. People say I'm: a sweet girl, kinda ditzy though.

7. Sex is: something i haven't had for a while

8. Love is: just an excuse

9. Somewhere, someone is: getting more sleep than me

10. I will always: forgive you

11. "Forever" is: only true of death

12. I never want to: give up hope

13. I think the current President is: named george bush

14. When I wake up in the morning: i roll over and pet the dog

15. My past was: very long ago

16. I get annoyed when: i don't get what i want

17. Parties are for: people who need an excuse to get laid

18. My dog is: retarded, but really cute

19. My cat is: dead...since like 4 years ago

20. Kisses are the best when: least expected, and take your breath away

21. Tomorrow: i hope is nice outside, so i can enjoy my 1 day off

22. I really want: to be happy with myself

23. I have low tolerance for people who: suck at life

24. In public: i'm really shy

25. Today: i worked 8 hours straight without lunch on 3 hours sleep

26. My last dream was about: someone i know

27. I suck at: knowing when i should just let go, and enjoy what i have

28. If I had a million dollars I would: get the fuck out of my house

29. Sometimes I want to: move away and never look back

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