Apr 30, 2011 04:00
- 08:24:21: @ NicMcCool iMovie.
- 08:26:21: Reservoir Dogs Go to Heaven #twofilmsinone
- 08:26:48: Annie Hall Get Your Gun #twofilmsinone
- 08:27:20: The Last Rocky Horror Picture Show #twofilmsinone
- 08:27:45: Hot Tub Time Machinist #twofilmsinone
- 08:40:36: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner with Andre? #twofilmsinone
- 08:41:34: RT @searingblue: Bottle of champagne is empty. One might even say it's been mimosad - coincidentally a drink combining orange juice and ...
- 08:42:50: About Last Night at Marienbad #twofilmsinone
- 08:44:12: The 40-Year-Old Virgin Spring #twofilmsinone
- 08:44:56: Hat insignia: Top Secret Bullies
- 08:46:00: Dragonball Z dans le Metro #twofilmsionone
- 08:46:28: Hiroshima, Pokemon Amour #twofilmsinone
- 08:47:05: Soylent Green Was my Valley #twofilmsinone
- 08:47:59: Requiem for a Dreamscape #twofilmsinone
- 08:49:01: Just saw a pre-teen in a Gotcha shirt. Is Gotcha still around or is a dad my age just that cheap?
- 08:49:51: Field of Dreamgirls #twofilmsinone
- 08:50:18: Satyricon Air #twofilmsinone
- 08:53:15: Ocean's Eleven Can Wait, Ocean's Twelve Monkeys, Ocean's Thirteen Ghosts #twofilmsinone
- 08:53:47: My Super Exorcist Girlfriend #twofilmsinone
- 08:54:36: Cujo Dancer, Your Life is Calling #twofilmsinone
- 08:55:49: Maybe people who don't read books just aren't trying to fill a huge festering abcess inside.
- 09:26:34: TV is a a much hotter medium than it was when McLuhan formulated his scheme, but web video has taken up some of the cool.
- 09:29:45: I guess it's possible that someone might have had as much influence on me as Rod Serling.
- 09:31:07: Everything I Need to Know I Learned From Rod Serling and Mad Magazine.
- 09:33:45: Travis McGee took his retirement a bit at a time, rather than all at the end. I'm writing my memoirs the same way.
- 09:35:09: So sad to see a dead bookstore, even if it was a Borders.
- 09:36:25: Some people see life as a game to be won. Others as a book to be understood.
- 09:37:02: Enjoy this stream of tweets while it lasts. I could wake up any minute now.
- 09:44:43: Everyone lives under the influence of chemicals; some people just take a more hands-on approach.
- 09:48:12: @ themidnightcrow I thought about working in a food metaphor, but sometimes it's more fun to let readers run with a thought I throw.
- 09:48:54: A cup of tea and a cigarette is somehow funnier than a coffee and a cigarette.
- 09:49:24: RT @gneicco: Life must be dull in a transvestite nudist colony because there's never anything on TV.
- 10:15:47: RT @juliussharpe: Hope Prince William has a great honeymoon. He deserves a week where he doesn't have to cook, clean or think about work
- 10:16:31: RT @elibraden: You know what they call the Royal Wedding in France? The Royale Wedding With Cheese.
- 10:41:31: Not sleeping is messing with my sense of time. If I didn't take such good notes I wouldn't even know it's Octember 41.
- 10:43:25: Dead Man's Party #UnsuitableSongsforHospitalRadio
- 15:43:38: RT @The_Critic: I saw @ mitdasein and it opened up my eyes. To some bizarreness. #FF
- 16:29:19: RT @BettyLies: My favourite yoga position is downward facing depression.
- 16:29:38: RT @VivaVeronica122: Can we make the 'titty grab' the new 'high five'? I mean come on people, we're adults. (Don't forget to make the 'h ...
- 16:31:39: This is one of the few instances where I find Comic Sans acceptable: http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/sillymolecules/sillymols.htm
- 16:49:00: People always talk about the sexuality of Eyes Wide Shut, but on this viewing, it really like a massive exercise in lighting.
- 17:04:59: @ messyamerican Well then. That settles that. What would you recommend I watch?
- 17:13:14: @ messyamerican Yes and no. I'm the kind of guy who will watch a Bergman and a Troma back-to-back and see the similarities. :)
- 18:42:03: Arson Welles #crimepeople
- 18:46:54: Stieg Larceny #crimepeople
- 19:15:39: Dave Eggroll #foodpeople
- 19:45:48: "The last thing I need is another Donkey Punch. Are you going to quote me on that? #shitmywifesays
- 19:58:21: This is music from a rodeo-clown gang-bang.
- 19:59:33: @ messyamerican Cool. I'm game for whatever.
- 20:39:22: RT @paleofuture: WELL NOW WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY FRIDAY NIGHT? "The Library of Congress websites and catalogs are unavailable. ...
- 20:39:24: RT @nevafeva: RT @gknauss: Every time I see "facebook.com/____" on a company's advertising, I mentally translate it to "AOL Keyword: ____".
- 20:44:34: I tried to introduce a mix of Dachshund, Bouvier de Flandres, Bichon Frisé, Basset and Afghan but the "DOuChéBAg" never caught on.
- 21:46:49: @ messyamerican I will investigate.
- 22:06:34: "Seriously, he was known for his crotch-chop." #shitmysisterinlawsays
- 22:18:49: "find the remote. becasue we are fucking fucking fuckers." #shitmysisterinlawsays
- 22:19:20: "i saw the sign and i opened up my eyes i saw the sign" #shitmysisterinlawsays
- 22:19:53: "this fucking shit it like, really toxic. smelling. ducnan." #shitmysisterinlawsays
- 22:20:15: "dude, that fucking. robotmonster. fucking works." #shitmysisterinlawsays
- 22:20:46: "seriously. i don't understand. what the downstairs neighbors problem is. because we are funny as fuck." #shitmysisterinlawsays
- 22:42:08: "You can't be a good liar if you have a bad memory." - Oz
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