A4 vs EVO vs Integra vs Neon vs CTS

Apr 03, 2006 09:48

Kel and I were headed down the Elgin O'Hare towards 53 when we came across a blue Evo. I was on it pretty good already but the Evo was slowly pulling away(and we were already over 100 by then) Some traffic came up and a CTS joined in. We got up to another pack of cars and a Neon and Integra were in it as well. Everyone was courteous as were were getting around slow traffic, the CTS even flashed his brights and allowed me to get in line to keep the group together.

Once we were all past the traffic we were off. The Evo had us all but I was a solid second until more traffic came up. The Neon was gone and the 'teg was still holding on. I made a wrong move and the CTS passed me and had me up to the 53 exit. He flashed his hazzards @ me as we both turned onto 53. Once we were on we tore off again. There was a bit more traffic but it wasn't too bad. We were still flashing @ about 100 when he went left and I went right. I made the wrong move again as there was more traffic and he was clear in his lane. Well, the shoulder was clear and they're pretty clean on 53 so I thought, "Should I?" Still on it, I passed on the shoulder and I was GONE. I couldn't find the CTS until I got to the Higgins exit where I hit my hazzards for him. We waved and went our seperate ways afterwards.

I haven't had that much fun in my A4 since the good ol' days of 2003 in my 7G w/ ChiTGC. And it's just so much fun when strangers know whats up, try to keep everyone close, but still go all out.

Man, was that fun.
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