livejournal looks so homo on valentines' day

Feb 15, 2007 20:31

I love randomly finding stuff like this on wikipedia! They never stay up long, making them true blessings.

(while researching Cato the elder)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Plebeian)

In Ancient Rome, the plebs were the general body of Roman citizens, distinct from the privileged class of the patricians. A member of the plebs was known as a plebeian (Latin: plebeius). The term is used more commonly today to refer to one who is in the middle or lower class, or who appears to be.

Ancient usage

The true origin of the distinction between plebeians and patricians is that plebians were faggots who fucked each other up the ass; there is little evidence for any sort of a racial basis, nor many signs of a distinction during the time of the kings. However...

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