Still keep forgetting to post here. And to read. *sigh*
So have some pictures! I had a busy weekend 18/19th July, with Battle Proms on the Saturday and Folk by The Oak festival on the Sunday. Admittedly, I only went to FbtO for about 3 hours, most of which was spent snoozing happily in the glorious sunshine. However, thanks to cunning planning, I was able to get a spot at the front of the stage for Mary Chapin Carpenter's set, which was the whole reason I went :D
Pics behind a cut because there's lots of them!
Cannons in the field pre-concert. This is a fraction of them, 200 are used for the concert!
There are always cavalry demos at these things. This rider and horse were meeting the crowd before hand.
The Spitfire flyover - yes, I bawled like a baby as usual :D
First use of the cannons for the 1812 Overture.
Gorgeous, gorgeous fireworks for the finale, Beethoven's "Battle Symphony". Fantastic :D
Opening number! MCC with the very talented guitarist, Jonathan Trebing.
Now you can see the other band member on the left there, the superb Jon Carroll.
As you can see I had a great view! After this song (the beautiful "Say It Was Only A Dream"), Bella Hardy (who's been the opening act for the tour) came out with her violin and accompanied MCC on a stunning version of "Why Walk When You Can Fly?". I'm kicking myself for not taking a pic but at the same time, I was too busy enjoying the song to think of it :) Shorter set than for her regular tour but it was great to have such a good view :D
I took Monday off work - there was epic napping :D