Well, Like him or hate him....

Dec 13, 2005 02:18

I suspect in the coming days, there will be a big media stink about the execution of Crips founder and convicted murderer Stanly "Tookie" Williams. I thought I would weigh in with my thoughts, mostly because I alwayss like to hear waht other people have to say about this and other pressing issues of the day.

I am in full support of the death penalty. Many left-wing extremists will challenge my point of view, saying that capital punishment is a barbaric retribution that serves no purpose other than to add to the tolls already claimed. I would be inclined to agree if America executed every Johhny Freeloader who wielded a gun. But that's not the case....

Death Row inmates are undoubtedly carefully chosen from a massive rabble of violent criminals for the weight they bear on the crime-deterrance side of the scale. We are not putting them to death to say "Let's play God and show everyone that we can kill people." We put people to death to say "if you commit a crime against someone else, you might just have to repay your debt with everything you have."

Tookie Williams is no exception. He led a storied life, was convicted of killing 4 people in the late 1970s-early 1980s, and tonight he repayed his debt. Many opposed to this execution will claim that through his writing of children's books and speaking out against gangland crime that Tookie was a reformed man. However, at no point in his 26-year death row sentence did Stan ever admit to the killings. Tell me America, how can one reform himself when he won't even admit to having done wrong?

Another weighty point of contention for protestors was the fact that Tookie Williams was a Nobel Prize nominee. However, the guidlines state that the only real benchmark for becoming a nominee is to have a letter of reference mailed to the Nobel Committee. In essence, we could all take the time to have letters written and all be considered for the position.

The fact of the matter is, Stanley Williams claimed four lives many years ago. An unarmed army veteran-turned-father/innocent bystander store clerk, and a family of three who owned a motel in the LA area. Tell me he's not a violent offender, and I will show you a liar. While all the loss of life doesn't please me, I still think Tookie got what was coming to him.

Let it be known that I don't believe one murder begets another, that's not my point at all. I think people deserve to pay for the crimes they commit, and if that happens to be a life-blood payment...so be it. Misereatur tui omnipotens Deus, Tookie Williams.
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