Blue Furret Marbles

Mar 20, 2014 03:46

Last updated: 3/20/2014

I was granted Sales Permission on 10/27/2012 byallinia
Feedback: Rules and policies:

- I ship USPS via Korea. As such, it will take a little longer than standard shipping from continental US. This does not affect the pricing, only the shipping time. Unfortunately, I currently don't have any other shipping options :(
- I am in time zone GMT+9 (Korea)
- I will let you know when items have been shipped out.
- For the time being, I only accept Paypal. Sorry about that :/
- Minimum $1 USD purchase before I'll ship items.
- I will pack items as well as I can, but once it hits the post office, it is out of my hands. I am not responsible for loss or damage of items due to the postal service.
- Plushes and figures will be shipped in a poly mailer envelope. Packing materials may be used where required.
- Prices do not include shipping and paypal feels. If you are unsure of what the price will be, feel free to ask for a quote before hand.
- Commitments take priority over quotes. If you commit to an item, please pay within 48 hours.
- If you ask for a price quote on an item, it will be held for 24 hours, or until you respond with a yes or no, or until someone commits to the item.
- Due to timezone differences and also being on a night shift schedule, It can possible take me 2-3 days to get something shipped out (since I either have to get up very early, or stay up very late). This will likely change if I go back to a day shift schedule.
- Magikarp card is not for sale and is used for scale only. :D :D
- Anything listed under the freebies may add to shipping costs, so please keep that in mind. Purchase is required for freebies (ie they will not be shipped for just the price of shipping and fees). Limit of 2 freebies per purchase.

- Paypal is If you purchase something, let me know if you've sent payment since my email sucks and doesn't always alert me.

Yay marbles! I'll be adding the marble bags in a few days, i have quite a few to sort through.

Marbles are listed in their original 151 order, with color and quantity next to the name. The photos don't show ALL of the marbles, just most of them, to give an idea of the colors and what the pictures are like.

Price: $1 each marble

Bulbasaur - 1 clear, 1 orange, 1 green
Ivysaur - 2 peach
Venusaur - 1 amber, 1 yellow, 1 light purple
Charmander - 1 light blue
Charmeleon - 1 green, 4 metallic
Squirtle - 2 amber, 1 metallic
Wartortle - 2 peach, 1 clear, 1 amber
Blastoise - 1 dark blue, 1 peach

Caterpie - 1 mettalic, 1 yellow
Metapod - 1 light blue, 1 azure blue, 1 clear, 2 mettalic, 1 green
Butterfree - 1 dark blue
Weedle - 1 dark blue, 1 mettalic
Kakuna - 3 green, 1 amber, 1 peach
Beedrill - 2 green, 1 metallic, 1 clear
Pidgeotto - 1 amber
Pidgeot - 1 metallic

Raticate - 1 light blue, 1 clear, 1 metallic
Spearow - 2 mettalic, 4 amber
Fearow - 1 orange, 1 metallic
Ekans - 2 amber
Arbok - 2 peach, 1 yellow, 1 metallic, 1 amber, 1 dark blue
Pikachu - 1 metallic, 1 green, 1 amber
Raichu - 1 clear, 1 dark blue, 3 metallic
Sandshrew - 1 yellow, 1 dark blue, 1 light blue
Sandslash - 1 amber, 1 yellow

Nidoran♀ - 1 amber, 1 green
Nidorina - 1 yellow, 1 metallic, 1 green
Nidoqueen - 1 metallic, 1 yellow
Nidoran♂ - 2 dark blue
Nidoking - 1 peach, 1 dark blue, 2 light blue
Clefable - 2 clear
Vulpix - 2 light blue, 1 metallic, 1 peach
Jigglypuff - 1 peach, 1 yellow, 1 metallic

Wigglytuff - 3 clear, 1 light blue,
Zubat - 1 dark blue, 1 metallic
Golbat - 1 green, 1 clear, 2 peach
oddish - 1 peach, 1 clear
Gloom - 1 amber, 3 metallic
Vileplume - 1 dark blue
Parasect - 3 dark blue, 2 amber, 1 peach, 1 metallic
Venonat - 1 amber
Venomoth - 1 peach, 1 yellow, 2 metallic

Diglet - 1 metallic
Dugtrio - 1 peach, 1 amber, 1 clear
Meowth - 2 metallic
Persian - 1 metaliic
Golduck - 1 peach, 1 green
Mankey - 1 metallic
Primeape - 1 green, 1 peach, 1 dark blue
Arcanine - peach

Poliwag - 2 clear, 1 amber, 1 dark blue, 1 light purple
Poliwhirl - 3 clear, 1 peach, 2 metallic, 1 dark blue
Poliwrath - 1 green, 2 metallic
Abra - amber
Kadabra - 2 light blue, 1 metallic, 1 yellow, 1 peach
Alakazam - 1 light blue, 1 peach
Machop - 3 metallic, 2 yellow
Machoke - 3 green, 1 yellow
Machamp - 1 peach
Bellsprout - 1 yellow, 2 peach

Victreebel - 2 yellow, 1 peach
Tentacool - 3 green, 1 azure blue, 1 peach, 2 metallic, 1 clear
Tentacruel - 1 metallic, 1 clear
Geodude - 1 clear, 2 yellow, 1 metallic
Graveler - 1 dark blue, 1 clear, 2 metallic
Golem - 1 green, 1 peach
Ponyta - 2 green, 1 dark blue, 2 metallic, 1 peach, 1 yellow
Rapidash - 1 amber, 1 clear, 1 peach
Slowpoke - 1 peach, 1 azure blue, 1 green, 1 metallic

Slowbro - 1 green, 2 metallic
Magnemite - 1 metalic, 1 yellow
Farfetch'd - 1 yellow, 1 metallic
Doduo - 1 dark blue, 1 clear
Dodrio - 1 yellow, 1 green
Dewgong - 1 clear, 1 metallic
Grimer - 2 dark blue, 1 metallic

Shellder - 1 green
Cloyster - 1 clear
Gastly - 1 dark blue, 1 peach, 1 yellow, 2 amber
Haunter - 3 peach, 2 clear
Gengar - 1 light blue, 1 amber, 1 dark blue, 1 metallic, 1 yellow
Onix - 1 abmer, 1 yellow, 1 light blue, 1 green
Drowzee - 1 amber, 2 dark blue, 1 metallic
Krabby - 1 yellow
Kingler - 1 peach, 1 yellow, 1 clear

Electrode - 1 clear
Exeggutor - 2 clear, 1 dark blue
Cubone - 2 amber, 1 light blue
Marowak - 1 light blue, 1 green
Hitmonlee - 1 light blue
Hitmonchan - 1 clear
Lickitung - 1 amber, 1 dark blue
Koffing - 1 amber

Weezing - 1 yellow
Rhyhorn - 1 metallic, 2 peach, 1 green
Rhydon - 1 yellow
Chansey - 1 amber, 1 dark blue
Tangela - 1 clear
Kangaskhan - 1 light blue
Horsea - 1 clear, 1 metallic
Seadra - 1 clear, 3 metallic
Seaking - 1 clear

Staryu - 1 peach, 1 metallic
Mr. Mime - 1 green
Electabuzz - 2 light blue, 1 azure blue, 1 peach
Magmar - 1 metallic
Tauros - 1 peach, 1 clear, 1 dark blue, 1 metallic
Magikarp - 1 yellow

Gyarados - 1 clear, 1 green, 1 metallic
Lapras - 1 clear
Porygon - 1 light blue, 1 light purple
Omanyte - 1 peach, 1 clear, 1 metallic, 1 light blue, 1 azure blue
Omastar - 1 green, 1 dark blue

Kabuto - 1 peach, 1 amber
Kabutops - 1 peach, 1 metallic
Snorlax - 1 peach
Zapdos - 2 light blue
Moltres - 1 metallic, 1 peach, 1 green, 2 amber
dratini - 1 light blue
Dragonair - 1 dark blue
Mewtwo - 2 peach
Mew - 1 yellow


I have a bunch of marbles that i received in poor condition, with chips, cracks or other damages. I'm giving out one damaged marble for free with each purchase upon request (i dont wanna raise the shipping too much :< ). These will be randomly selected from the bag, so what you get is a mystery.

You can also buy a random broken marble for 2 for 25 cents, if you want. once again, what you get is a random mystery~

Marble bags
Originally, the marbles were sold with the bags, but what marbles you got was a surprise. In my pursuit of marbles, I managed to gather quite a few bags.

'Merican Marble bags
Price: $5 each

Charmander, blue - 1
Charmander, Orange - 2
Charmeleon, turquoise - 2
*Note: one of the charmeleon bags is stained, so it's price is $3. It has been hand washed but I can't get the stains out :(
Let me know if you want pictures of it to see the damage.

Blastoise, yellow -1
Pikachu, Red - 1
Sandshrew, brown - 1

Clefairy, brown - 1
Clefairy, maroon - 1
Note: Maroon clefairy looks a little wonky, probably because the printing was too transparent. Price for this one is $4
Vileplume, brown - 1
Machamp, orange - 1
Electrode, purple - 1 sold

Koffing, dark green - 1
Koffing, orange - 1
Hitmonlee, yellow - 1
Hitmonlee. orange - 1
Rhydon, blue - 1
Rhydon, red - 1

Kangaskhan, orange - 1
Electabuzz Sold

French/German bags

These are ones I managed to acquire when I was lucky enough to find a lot of German/French marbles. German names are on the top, French names are on the bottom.

Price: $10 each

Charmander, yellow - 1
Meowth, blue - 1
KICKLEE Hitmonlee, blue - 1
Rhydon, red - 1
KICKLEE Hitmonlee, yellow - 1
Koffing, dark green - 2
Rhydon, blue - 1

Interested in anything? Please comment at my main shop page!
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