May 09, 2011 09:29

Originally posted by putnik1 at ЭТОТ ДЕНЬ

Товарищи! Соотечественники и соотечественницы!
Наступил великий день победы над Германией...

Всех, для кого этот день означает то же, что и для меня, - от всего сердца поздравляю. А дорогому martin_voitel огромное спасибо за дорогой подарок к празднику - перевод прекрасной статьи американского публициста Марка Сэйшайна.

Glory and Malice
By Mark Sashine

US is rejoicing. Osama Bin Ladin has been killed. The President together with his staff watched the actual operation live on the TV. I am not sure they saw the actual killing but the scene where they all were watching was shown to us and that was grotesque. How can a person describe it? Forced happiness? Developed perception? Malicious satisfaction? One thing was clear though- it certainly did not look like an accomplishment to them. US is rejoicing and the media is howling. But those faces do not lie. They would prefer to be elsewhere.

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