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Oct 15, 2006 00:32

My Journey New Path

13th October 2006-10-13

Since leaving London the summer of 1999 I have always planned and yearned to go back and live there. My plan was to gain a degree and have a sex change. It has taken me 7 years to do this but today I have finally done it. I have a degree in law and have been a man physically for years eight months.

Today I tendered my resignation to Tesco Stores Ltd. I have been an employee of this very successful company since June 16th 1997. I always hoped to become a manager of some sorts in this company and move back to London as a Tesco manager.

Due to circumstances beyond my control this dream has not been realised, however I am returning to London as a manager for BAA world duty free. The decision to leave Tesco has not been easy. I still believe I have a future there but I am glad to be getting out of the store I work in.

I am starting a new life a clean break something ive wanted to do for a long time kind of like a dream come true. No one will know me expcept for close friends and my bro who lives in london. This means a lot to me because i felt a but intimidated living at home in swansea due to the whole transition. I havent told my employers of my transition and dont intend to. Im my own man now and will be proud of the fact that no one will know any different.

Sometimes you have to grab opportunities when they arrive ive done this and am looking forward to the new challenge in front of me. I want to thank everyone on LJ for their advice i have really found it invaluable. Let the good times roll!
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