post france

Mar 10, 2006 23:51

The buzz after coming back from france was imense. Coupled with the fact that i was working on the Actual dept i want to work on in work it was great. If and its a big if i were to stay in tesco and to get to the holy grail of the assessment centre i need to transfer there. My motivation on that dept has been great, its just a pity that chris collins wasnt there to see. Julie will have a lot to say hopefully. I had a good chat with her and she was surprised at my desire to move back to her dept. I left the dept id been working on for 6 years to go on to her dept becasue thats where i saw my future and still do.

I miss france its so relaxing there. Maybe i could move there at some point. The food is great the beer is fantastic only second to canadas beer for sure. I could go back there for a weekend before ben gets back. Come to thinking about it now that my best mate dale is working again perhaps i could persuade him to come. Ha wed be going into every ho house and strip club in lyon! Britain is more fast paced and stressful than france and its not the best for climate and technology etc. For instance their transport system is better and the weekly travelpass is cool you just have to swipe it like in london no having to show apass or buy tickets. I really need to practice my french before i go it was very rusty when i got there last week. It felt like forgetting all your french revision before your oral exam.
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