Sep 10, 2005 16:38
So i havnted updated for a few days been busy with orrientation....found of my schedual...woot should be first two weeks my classes start at 5:45 in the morning...not so pumped about that but they say this is the hardest block of classes so im happy to get it out of the way right off....miss my dad but thats a roomies are all coool....THEY DILEVER IM NOT IN NORTHERN MAINE i so had my first dilvered to me pizza last night and it was liking it here a lot .....not much eles to say if you want my number send me a message to let me know and i will get it to you i cant rememebr it rigth now...any way i think i will go im hungy and want food.!!!! (oh and the food is great here go figure) I EVEN ATE a BITE of SHRIMP ALL YOU MUST BE PROUD NOW!!!!