A Day In My Life

Oct 25, 2010 10:24

This is my day: Sunday 24th October.  I keep seeing that everydayjoy does these and it looks like fun.  I had a lot of fun taking the pictures... but it took an awful long time to post these up!

Woke up at my usual time, despite next door having a Zumba party that went on until the wee hours of the morning.  Also, please note my alarmingly cute monkey phone decoration :)

The weather outside is lovely... and if you look closely, there's a bonus picture of me too.  In my PJs... score!

A friend at work lent me some books in a trilogy and I really enjoyed the first book, but had sort of had enough and didn't want to read the rest.  I still kept the books and my friend asked me the other day how I was liking the books and if I could return them soon-ish as someone else would like to read them.  I was like "Oh, I'm nearly finished, I'll return them asap".  Lies.  All lies!  Hadn't even started the second book which meant I have had to do a mammoth reading effort.  Finished the second book a few days ago and am ploughing through the third.  I have to read a 100 pages a day in order to return the books within a week.  But I'm on the last book so the end is in sight!

Now I do some Bible reading... and as promised, Numbers contains a lot of numbers.  Yummy tea and I have my journal to jot down my thoughts although now I am looking back at the pictures, I realise I never actually wrote anything.  False advertising in my pictures!!!

Time check... and time to get ready for church.  Also I feel at this point, I should point out that my mobile phone clock is nine minutes fast.  PS There is so much falsity going on in my pictures!!  PPS Is 'falsity' a word?

Outfit for church.  I'm premiering a new top.  I brought it for interviews for new jobs and the day after I brought it, I got a new job.  So poor interview top has never had a chance to be worn!

I tool around on the internet while I wait for mum to be ready

On our way!!  Looks so lovely today

Mum is driving so that I can take pictures.  She is laughing because she is a little bit excited about my assignment for the day.  Because you see, in another life my mum would have been a member of the paparazzi.  There is nothing she loves more than having a camera in her hand and taking photo upon photo of people.  Actually she likes taking a photo of anything that crosses her path.  Which is why she is not allowed to own a camera.

And here is my church.  Speaking of paparazzi, I enjoy that you can clearly see that the photo has been taken from a car.  It looks as if I'm cruising the streets trying to find a good scoop!

After church, we had to go grocery shopping.  There is NOTHING to eat in our house.  I know Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest but I also know God wouldn't want us to starve.

We had lunch first.  I had a BLT sandwich.  The consequences of which were disasterous...

I spilt BBQ sauce on my new shirt!!!!!!!!!!!  I managed to clean most of it off but *sigh* there is a stain.

Our hard-earned groceries

Ok, this photo needs a LOT of explaining.  During our grocery shop, I started to get chest pains which generally means I'm starting to get a panic attack.  This time I think it's because I've got a cold and I can't breathe properly- not because I'm panicking or anxious about anything.  Mum asked me what's wrong and when I tell her, she informs me that it sounds like I have gall stones... wait, *that* makes me anxious!!  Being a fellow gall stone sufferer, she tells me that the best way to relieve the discomfort is to burp.  When we finished our shop, she brought me some Coke and told me to swig it in order to burp.  (We did this in the safety of the car)  When I didn't burp loudly enough, she showed me how it was done.  This photo recreates the burping drama.  And this story is why my mum is frequently cited as my best friend.  I think this is where I get my love of bodily functions from!

We brought some sinus clearing stuff at the shops so that I can hopefully breathe a bit easier.  This is me showing y'all how it's done!

I still have a few chest pains so I decide to take it easy and watch some 'Criminal Minds'.  Not that you can make it out but there's Gideon and Reid.  Aw, remember when Gideon was in it?  I miss him!

*sigh* Derek Morgan definitely helped take my chest pain away!!

Then after all that crime solving and resting on the sofa, it's time for a PROPER nap before work.

My smexy work uniform!!!

Pretty clouds (and foreshadowing!!!)

And there's that cloud again!  I am in a totally different part of town but that cloud is hovering over my workplace.  I never noticed it was the same cloud until I put the pictures next to each other.

Finished work, just a short shift today 3.30 til 8.  Sunday is such a quiet day at work, and Sunday nights are even worse.  Sneaky photo of our staff room (and chocolate biscuits on the table!)


Back home, I write a reply to my friend Ruth, but my message is cut short when a storm arrives.  I hate being on the computer in a storm so I sent my email half finished and went to see what the rest of the family was up to.

My aunt (on the left) was spending the night with us as she'd arrived home early from a trip to visit her son in Canberra and there was someone house-sitting at hers.  My mum and her were busy watching the X Factor.  I think my mum would like to be a judge on that show but she spends most of her time judging the judges rather than the actual contestants!

Tried to take some pictures of the lightening but I wasn't quick enough.  Here is the rain instead.

Then my mum wanted me to take a picture of her leg complete with cellulitis and scar from her bypass.  See, my blog is entertaining *and* informative.

Off to bed and yay, I got my hundred pages done.  Only another four hundred to go...

Last time check of the day and then lights out and sleep time!

a day in the life

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