The Moffat strikes again

Aug 12, 2010 22:00

Dammit.  Just as I thought I was over being a fangirl (...Kristy you are sworn to secrecy about my behaviour the other night over Henry Cavill!), along comes a new show.  I thought that I had my existing shows and that if I was only fannish about the three or four shows that I am obsessed about, then I would be ok.  There's no room in my life for new obsessions.  And then stupid Stephen Moffat comes along and decides to reinvent stupid Sherlock Holmes and stupid Tim from The stupid Office is in it, so of course I had to just have a quick peek at it.  Perhaps you should replace the word 'stupid' with t'brilliant' in the last sentence and then you might have an idea of where I'm going.  I'm just annoyed that I'm going to be wasting a lot of time on this new show.  Time I don't have!

I would be ALL about this show if it was just about Sherlock Holmes.  He is one of my favourite characters in fiction.  Brilliant, maddening and a total bitch.  The books themselves are boring but the stories are awesome!

Then the show had to be written by Stephen Moffat.  My beloved Doctor Who writer.  So I knew it was going to be good.  And it was.  Some parts I actually laughed out loud which is very rare when you're watching a show on your own.  At first I hated the idea that SH had been taken out of Victoriana and put smack bang rather rudely into modern day London but it's been done very, very well.  I always feel that updates never really work, especially in older crime stories because our modern forensics would just solve the case but then I forget that SH is all about the deduction, not the evidence in front of you.  There were clever little shout outs to the original SH, Mrs Hudson is no longer their housekeeper but is instead their landlady and constantly reminding them of that fact.  Sherlock is no longer addicted to heroin, instead his drug of choice is Nicorette patches.

And then Martin Freeman appears as Dr John Watson.  Martin Freeman who played Tim from The Office who I did love.  And then I watched The (American) Office and fell madly in love with Jim and poor old Martin Freeman was left on the wayside.  But all his little awkward pauses and the faces he pulls reminded me of why I loved him in the first place.

But finally we reach the real reason why I am loving this new obsession.  Benedict Cumberbatch.  I already loved him as soon as I heard his name.  Almost as good a name as 'Sherlock Holmes'.  He brings a floppy haired brilliance to Sherlock and we all know how I feel about floppy haired brilliance.  And he wears a long trench coat and a scarf.  It's just too many awesome accessories for one man!!  When Sherlock is in the middle of his deductions, it brings a smile to my face.  Considering both Doctor Who and Sherlock are both driven by Moffat, it's not surprising that this modern day Sherlock and the Matt Smith Doctor are essentially EXACTLY the same person.  This show is basically Doctor Who without the TARDIS or aliens and instead of a Companion, there's Dr Watson.  And I am totally not complaining one little bit.

Then when trying to find pictures for this post, I came across this picture and nearly died of fangirl-itis.  There is too much to love in this picture!!

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