I need to make an appointment to see the Doctor

May 07, 2010 21:00

I’m bored, it’s 8.30pm and I’d really like to go to bed.  But there are kittens to mind and I’d feel bad shutting them in the laundry this early so I’ll let them play while I play on the computer.

I just finished watching ‘Doctor Who’ again.  I seriously can NOT believe how much I am enjoying Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor.  When David Tennant left, I almost gave the show up.  I never really liked Christopher Eccleston (is that even how you spell his name?) and only watched them for the back story of my beloved tenth Doctor, *my* Doctor.  So I assumed my interest in the show was (sadly) only for the David Tennant eye candy.

And then new season started and from about five minutes in, I was like “David who?”.  I don’t know what it is about Matt Smith that I like so much.  I don’t think I fancy him, I just enjoy him.  A lot.  I have to give much of the credit to Steven Moffat and also to Russell T Davies.  The credit for RTD unfortunately is for the fact that the last four episodes involving David Tennant were terrible.  It pains me to say it because I really enjoy his writing and his passion for the show, but it’s true.  They were alright, but as ‘specials’ and being part of David’s swan song, it just didn’t live up to what it should have been.  Steven Moffat just had to write something slightly better and I would like it.  And he hit it out of the ballpark- so I loved it.  Considering he wrote my joint favourite episode ever (“Blink” for those of you playing at home… tied with “The Girl in the Fireplace”), I knew the show would be in good hands and so far it has.  He breathes fresh life into it and he made the transition of David Tennant to Matt Smith so easy because he wrote it so very, very well.

I hated the new outfit when I first saw photos and now I adore the outfit.  I think it speaks to my inappropriate love of English and History teachers who in my mind are always wearing tweed jackets.  I love his gigantically floppy fringe, his posher accent, the way he seems to refer to Amy as ‘Pond’ more often than not.

And another thing I also really like about the new season, the companion.  I love their little relationship and while I miss the Doctor and Donna a lot, this will definitely ease the pain.  Amy’s a little too ‘Mary Jane’ for my liking I have to say, but maybe that’s more to do with me and how I’d want to act around the Doctor.

My mum doesn’t like him though.  After about ten seconds of Matt Smith appearing, she shook her head and said no.  I asked her ‘what was wrong with him?” and she replied “He’s not David *pauses* he’s not as cute as David”

And now for photos, yay!!

I immensely enjoy this photo because it looks like he’s trying to chat her up and she’s like “Whatever”.  It just makes me smile.

This photo also makes me smile.  For different reasons, but a smile nonetheless.  They’re so darn cute together.  It gives me the warm and fuzzies.

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