Oooh... late again, but who cares.
- Buy property
- Stay in an ice hotel and see the Northern Lights
- Run a 10k race and don’t finish last - Suffered a bit of a setback but am up to about 8k in the running department now. I stopped training over Easter due to a few reasons and am finding it really hard to get back into it. Just gotta get out there and put one foot in front of the other.
- Write to ten people I don’t keep in touch with anymore [0/10]
- Get a job working with animals
- Get my computer fixed
- Take boxing classes
- Read the whole Bible - Reading at the moment
- Take a Bible class
- Get two people to donate blood instead of me [1/2] - I need to start scouting for my second 'victim'!
- Continue with my tithing at the same rate
- Get Certificate III in Companion Animal Services
- Go speed dating
- Finish that necklace
- Go to roller derby tryouts
- Write 3 short stories that I’m proud of
- Make sushi
- Have a fancy dress party for my 25th- I'm having a stupid depression midlife crisis thing at the moment and I'd rather die than have a huge birthday party. All I really want is to wear a pretty dress and eat cake. I can do that by myself. I don't need no party. I do however have until November before calling off the party and I hope I snap out of this state soon!!!
- Buy myself an expensive piece of jewellery that I love- just because
- Go to a shooting range
- Buy a “story” Wii game and complete it
- Run a 5k race and don’t finish last - Can run about 5k quite easily now. Can't believe it!
- Drink milk every day for a week each month [1/33] - I've let this one slide a little, purely because it means that I have to buy extra milk for myself and I can never be bothered!
- Get involved more online and make friends
- Post on LJ at least once a week - Getting there
- Learn how to cook a roast chicken meal
- Take mum away on a mini break
- Learn 10 Bible verses [2/10] - 1) Psalm 25:5 "Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my saviour, my hope is in You all day long" 2) Matthew 5:16 "In the same way, let your light shine before men so that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven"
- Go on the catapult in Surfers Paradise
- Go out and get fun drunk and don’t come home until really late
- Grow a sunflower
- Every two months or so, do something cultural that you wouldn’t normally do, see a play etc [0/17]
- Sort out my ipod and BUY everything legally!!!
- Write down everything I eat for two weeks [0/14]
- Write down everything I spend for two weeks [14/14]
- Work out a budget and stick to it!
- Learn to juggle
- Look into becoming a Big Sister
- Have an internet free day once a week [1/143] - This one is really hard and am struggling with it! It wasn't supposed to be this hard!
- Cut out bread/pasta/carbs for two weeks x 4 [0/4]
- Read 20 “classics” [0/20]
- Watch 20 “classics” [4/20] - I've actually expanded my list of classics to about 30. Some are so boring and some have been a lovely surprise. I still intend to blog about this!!
- Suck it up and write to Azelia for Katrina’s contact details
- Buy a bridal magazine and pick out a dress
- Have a fake hens night
- Actually put that Spanish CD onto my ipod and LISTEN to it
- Write an OTIS report
- Become more involved with GodlyGals
- Go along to one of those free library events
- Buy a puzzle magazine every month and don’t stop til you win a prize! - I actually changed this in my head to enter any free competition. Considering I'm trying to save money, it's not so great spending $7 on a magazine every month so I changed it. And won!! Definitely need to blog about this one!!
- Don’t bail on people just because you feel like it
- If you can’t make it to church, listen to a DestinyChurch podcast - Haven't been very vigilant with this one and it makes me homesick!
- Find a 5 min Christian podcast and listen to it on the way to work - I did manage to find one but the lady's voice irritated me so much. I need to find a replacement.
- Go to the races and place a bet
- Register as a bone marrow donor - I physically can't do this one for the same reason I can't give blood, because I lived in the UK apparently I may have Mad Cow Disease. I didn't realise that. Am so bummed I can't do this. Will think of something else.
- Go vegetarian for a week x 4 [0/4]
- Eat really, really healthy for a week x 4 [0/4]
- Go horse riding
- Take part in some kind of eating challenge
- Have a cocktail night
- Complete NaNoWriMo
- Go to a comedy club
- Get ten recommendations for new music and review [0/10]
- Get ten recommendations for new books and review [0/10]
- Get ten recommendations for new movies and review [0/10]
- Go to that restaurant in Brisbane that just does desserts
- Take a sign language class
- Become more involved at church - I've kind of taken a backwards step in this. I was doing really well, I even got my blue card so I could work with the kids group and then, I don't know what happened. I'm in this awkward situation with this guy from my church and it's only awkward in my head and because I am a really mature person (and have a dumb work schedule) I've stopped going to church. I need to build a bridge and get over myself, stat!
- Visit Laura, the town
- Get down to 50kg - I've now lost all the weight I put on whilst travelling and now only have a few more kilos to get rid of. However, these last ones are pretty stubborn and I think I look fine the way I am. I don't *need* to lose the weight but if I do so whilst training for my races, then that's a bonus. Basically I like to eat.
- Be more assertive
- Fix the watch Judy gave me and wear it
- Have another room clear out- and this time it’s war on clutter
- Actually take all my stuff (that I still have from the first clear out) to the Salvos
- Put Bio Oil on consistently for four months - Coming up to four months soon and I really don't see an improvement. I don't really care anymore and I know they'll fade over time anyway. I'll finish the bottle and that will be that.
- Have a loose change jar
- Write a will and funeral ideas
- Learn how to make a paper crane
- Buy something off and frame it and hang it up
- Don’t take any crap from anyone
- Learn a poem by heart - I think I've chosen my poem. Well, I had anyway. I decided to learn "Seal Lullaby" by Rudyard Kipling and was just looking it up online so that I could provide a link in case anyone was interested ( and then I rediscovered Kipling's poem "If", which I totally love and is longer and would be more of a task to learn. What the hey, I'll learn both!
- Get ID in a fake name
- Grow nails long for a month - I can't believe how easy it was! However, long nails totally irritated me and so I've cut them short again... but am regrowing them because I liked the way they looked. Hopefully I can overcome the irritating-ness...
- Learn how to play chess
- Do 4 shoeboxes for kids overseas [0/4]
- Keep my room continuously tidy for a month
- Post 100 Operation Beautiful post-its [6/100]
- Send in a postcard to Postsecret
- Attend a protest - My friend Shelly is totally saving the world and has heaps of contacts with organisations. She's said she'll let me know when certain protests were coming my way. I was thinking about it and there's actually not a lot I feel completely passionate about. Like, civil rights movement, I would have been there, waving my baner with MLK but I'm pretty apathetic about political movements of the noughties. But I would certainly march for children's rights in the developing world, that's for sure.
- Read 10 auto/biographies of people I admire [0/10]
- Rejoin Open Doors
- Keep a prayer journal for a month
- Do some kind of thing where you buy birthday/Christmas presents for kids
- Do the 40 hour famine
- Put 50 notes in books about dealing with depression, divorce etc [0/50]
- Cook at least once a week
- Visit/write to my grandparents at least once a week [4/143]
- Donate my hair - My hair is now getting long enough that I can start thinking about donating it. However, I'm yet to find a company in Australia that needs hair... America has 'Locks of Love' and I assumed that there would be a similar Australian version but I can't seem to find it.
- Put together a playlist of all the songs that remind me of overseas
- Get my eyebrows done
- Learn to drive manually