Mini update

Apr 12, 2010 14:26

I really need to do my 101 update like nobody's business and so in order to *not* do that, I am doing this update instead.

I have my Guide Dog Puppy information session on Thursday.  I'm super excited, even though I'm 90% sure we won't be doing it.  The reason being that I'm 90% sure is that my mum will bail on me and I need her full support because I need her to look after Puppy whilst I am at work.  I understand her reasoning though, it does seem like an awful lot of work.  I'm not too upset because this way I'll be able to keep fostering shelter animals, which I wouldn't have been able to do with raising a guide dog puppy.

Speaking of which, the time is coming to nearly say goodbye to my little Weasley twins.  I've been looking after two ginger kittens who are IDENTICAL but are not from the same litter, which trips me out.  I'm just starting to get mega attatacehd to them and they are starting to get mega attatched to me too so it's just as well they're goin on Wednesday.  Although they are still sneezing quite a bit so I reckon I'll have them a wee bit longer... upon writing that, it's not like they're contagious anymore so they might go back.  We shall see.  *sigh* it's the same every time, I'm always so sad to be losing my little foster animals that the new animals I receive, I keep them at arm's length from my heart for about a week.  Then I slowly start to fall in love with them and about one day before total and utter love I get to hand them back to the shelter.  I still haven't blogged about my last cat, PussCat so it'll probably be a while before you hear about the antics of Mushy and Arnibald.

Stupid text boy who I thought had got the (text) message that I wasn't into him totally did NOT get the message.  After like a week of not texting, he's back with a vengeance. It started off innocently enough, just checking everything was ok because he didn't see me at church.  Then he made a little reference to an in-joke that we have, which I foolishly made the mistake of replying too and then it was on, like soy sauce on a wonton.  He texted to see if I was free on Tuesday night and for once I was so thankful for my stupid work schedule that makes me work the weirdest shifts.  I was like "nope, sorry, I'm working nights most of this week".  That was pretty much my message, no "oh, I'm busy this week, maybe next week" but then he texted back "Well when are you free?".  Ugh, I am NEVER free!!!!!!  Get the hint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I haven't replied and I don't intend to.

My work is stifingly boring.  I need to get a new job, stat!  Although I do enjoy my work peeps.  This lady was trying to tell me about this musical that she saw a few years back.  Instead of saying the correct name of 'Menopause', she told me the musical was called 'Masterbation', lol!!!  I couldn't stop laughing and she was so embarrassed!!!!
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