LOG POST: Niou and Yagyuu

Jun 01, 2007 04:56


Who: Niou and Yagyuu
What: A trip to an ART MUSEUM. Plus dinner.
Where: ...The art museum.
When: Wednesday, May 30th

Yagyuu: *taps his foot and checks his watch for the 298374th time because he said noon and it's now NOON AND FIVE MINUTES* *mutters* Where is he?

Niou: *strolling along, eating a candy bar, totally taking his time* *waves at some random people he passes* *helps a little old lady cross the street* *whistles as he skips along the sidewalk*

Niou: *finally gets to the museum and grins at Yagyuu, giving a perfect ^_^ face* Yo!

Yagyuu: *whips around* You're 25 minutes late! What were you doing?

Niou: *grins some more* Walking here, of course! *holds out another candy bar* Chocolate?

Yagyuu: *waves his arm* There's a line now for tickets.

Niou: *leans to the side and looks around behind Yagyuu* ...There are MAYBE ten people over there.

Yagyuu: *mouth turns into a straight line* It's still a line.

Niou: *shoves the candy bar into Yagyuu's hand* Well if it's THAT much of a problem, stay here and chill and be merry, and I'LL go wait in line!

Yagyuu: *takes the candy bar and feels that it's smushy from being in Niou's pocket* I don't want candy. *unwraps it anyway and accidentally gets chocolate over his fingers* You don't *lick* know which *lick* tickets to buy. *lick*

Niou: *blatantly watches* What, is there a certain kind? Do we get SPECIAL tickets?

Yagyuu: *turns his hand over to see if he missed any spots* The "History of Golf" is a SPECIAL exhibit, yes. *takes a bite of the chocolate*

Niou: *straight face* ...They probably have to be careful not to sell out. I imagine it's a very popular exhibit.

Yagyuu: Exactly! *grabs Niou's wrist and drags him over to the "REGULAR+EXHIBIT" ticket line*

Niou: *looks at the two people in front of them* Good thing I wasn't even later than I was. *rolls eyes* We might not have gotten in.

Yagyuu: *turns to Niou with a very serious expression* Don't say things like that.

Niou: *pats Yagyuu on the shoulder* I would have comforted you in your time of grief.

Yagyuu: *rolls his eyes before realising that it's his turn now* *walks up to the ticket booth very excitedly, perhaps even bouncing a little* Two tickets please.

Niou: *shoves his hands into his pockets and looks around absently* Do they sell ice cream in the museum?

Yagyuu: *hands one ticket to Niou* No food allowed.

Niou: *eyes widen* ...What?

Yagyuu: *waves the ticket in Niou's face* It's a rule. There are on signs everywhere.

Niou: But. But - I'll STARVE. *wibbles* *gets over it* I GUESS I'll live. *snatches the ticket from Yagyuu*

Yagyuu: *side glances at Niou* You just ate anyway.

Niou: That was just a candy bar. *raises eyebrows* You expect me to live on chocolate alone?

Yagyuu: *gives his ticket to the ticket taker... person* You didn't eat anything else before coming here?

Niou: Well, I had lunch. And breakfast. *hands over his ticket, too* And a snack in between. *pauses* Two snacks actually.

Yagyuu: ... Right. *stops randomly and pulls out a map of the museum* What do you want to see first?

Niou: *crosses his arms behind his head* How about you pick? I'm up for anything.

Yagyuu: *twists his mouth in contemplation* Let's just start from this room. *points then folds up the map*

Niou: *looks toward where Yagyuu pointed* And what is THIS room, exactly?

Yagyuu: *walks in and looks around, getting awkward stares from the 4 adults that are in there* I... don't know. *looks at the first painting and freezes when he sees that it's INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT* Oh.

Niou: *follows Yagyuu's line of sight and blinks, then smirks widely* Oh, indeed. >D

Yagyuu: *: |* This is uncomfortable.

Niou: *snorts* Hardly. *walks up to one of the paintings and crosses his arms, staring at it* *puts his hand on his chin, looking like he's seriously studying the painting* Well. *turns around to face Yagyuu, pointing with his thumb back over his shoulder* That girl has a NICE rack.

Yagyuu: *stares at Niou blankly and tries to ignore the other people that are still staring*

Niou: *innocent* You don't think so? Look at the way the artist uses the lighting to really emphasize her...you know. *gestures aimlessly*

Yagyuu: *face turns red because he can feel them JUDGING* This room isn't very interesting, we should go to the next one.

Niou: *brightly* But I like this one! *skips off to another painting* ...Whoa. *tilts his head to the side* The strategically placed shadows aren't really hiding much in this one - I didn't know anyone could bend that way!

Yagyuu: *drags his feet as he follows and pointedly does not look at the painting* Can you be a little quieter?

Niou: Why? I'm only...demonstrating my excitement! *throws an arm around Yagyuu's shoulder and pulls him to the next painting* Hahahaha, I feel bad for any guy who can use a leaf THAT small to cover his bits.

Yagyuu: *slaps a hand over his face* Because you're drawing attention again.

Niou: I'm doing no such thing. *glances at another painting* I like the use of color in that one, though.

Yagyuu: *stares at the painting* It's black and white.

Niou: ...With alternating shades of gray, thank you very much.

Yagyuu: Those aren't colors either.

Niou: Fine. I like the use of NON-color. *rolls eyes* Sheesh, so picky.

Yagyuu: Well, we're in an ART museum. *crosses his arms*

Niou: *catches sight of another INTERESTING looking painting* ...You'd better pick another room, or we're going to have to go look at that portrait of the naked fat woman.

Yagyuu: Which means you already looked. Whatever, let's go. *takes Niou by the elbow and drags him out the exit to a more modest display room*

Niou: *snickers at a painting of a old man in the buff as he's pulled away*

Yagyuu: This is better. Look. Fruit.

Niou: Well now I'm just hungry again.

Yagyuu: ... Please don't eat the paintings.

Niou: *puppy-dog eyes* But...that giant apple over there is shining in such a fake yet appetizing way!

Yagyuu: I brought a muzzle.

Niou: ... *looks at Yagyuu* Where are you hiding it?

Yagyuu: *stares a pear studiously* In my shoe.

Niou: That'd be an awfully small muzzle. Unless you're saying you have big feet and thus big shoes to hide stuff in.

Yagyuu: *blinks at Niou then turns away again* Or I was referring to my sock.

Niou: *pouts* I don't want to be suffocated by your smelly footwear.

Yagyuu: Then don't do anything stupid like ingest oil paint. *pauses* And my feet don't smell.

Niou: I've heard paint really doesn't taste all that good anyway. Not that I'd know from personal experience or anything.

Yagyuu: *mumbles* That explains some things.

Niou: *ignores him* The fruity room is BORING, Yagyuu.

Niou: Let's go see the naked people again.

Yagyuu: The naked people were ugly.

Niou: You just have no taste for fine art.

Yagyuu: You just like naked people too much.

Niou: Yes. *flat look* Especially when they're old and wrinkly like that last one.

Yagyuu: I don't judge people on their preferences. *pushes up his glasses*

Niou: Good because sometimes I find myself attracted to odd things and- Anyway. *coughs* What's next? *innocent grin*

Yagyuu: *stares at Niou oddly, brow furrowing and he opens his mouth to say something but decides against it, pulling out the map again* Well. This room has fans annnd *moves his finger across the paper* ... this one has swords.

Niou: *eyes go wide* ...Swords? *snatches the map from Yagyuu* Swords! Let's go to that one! RIGHT NOW. *dashes off in that direction, looking much like a kid in a candy factory*

Yagyuu: *gets a papercut* Hey! *chases after Niou* NO-- *remembers that he can't shout so tries to use his loudest indoor voice* No running! *ignores that he's not exactly walking either*

Niou: *skids to an abrupt stop in the middle of the hallway* ...Oh yeah.

Yagyuu: *was too busy trying to keep his glasses from falling off and ends up slamming into Niou*

Niou: *staggers and nearly falls on his face but is a MANLY MAN and thus stands his ground* Are you trying to pretend you're a truck?

Yagyuu: *smushes his face into Niou's back* *muffled* If you hadn't stopped so suddenly, it wouldn't have happened. *backs off a little and rubs his nose, checking for nosebleeds*

Niou: OR you could just watch where you're going. Do you need to have your glasses checked? *turns around, raising his eyebrows* ...You didn't break your nose, did you?

Yagyuu: My glasses are fine. *scrunches his nose* I've never broken my nose before. How can you tell?

Niou: I imagine you'd be in quite a lot of pain. Possibly. With gushing blood coming out your nostrils. It's probably horrifying and AWESOME.

Yagyuu: *shakes his head* Then no, my nose is very much not broken.

Niou: *cheerfully* Oh good! Because that would kind of ruin the day. *grabs Yagyuu's wrist, pulling him a long* Now - to the swords!

Yagyuu: *makes a slightly offended face as he's dragged along* The swords aren't going anywhere.

Niou: They might! Maybe they're MOVING them today! You never know. Or there could be a crowd. I bet EVERYONE goes to see the swords. *is all starry-eyed*

Yagyuu: *rolls his eyes and shoves Niou into the sword room* There's no one in here.

Niou: ...They must have known I was coming and cleared it out especially for ME.

Yagyuu: Don't be so presumptuous.

Niou: Don't be so serious. *sticks out his tongue* We're here to have fun, aren't we? *flounces around the room, looking at the SWORDS*

Yagyuu: Well -- yes. And the golf exhibit. *glances over the swords all bored*

Niou: *pauses* ...Where's that then?

Yagyuu: *suddenly very alert* Upstairs.

Niou: ...We can...go...to that one...now. *attempts a SERIOUS FACE* If you want.

Yagyuu: *actually tries to contain his excitement, clearing his throat and looking away* It's fine. Take your time looking at the swords. *totally NOT fidgeting*

Niou: ... *looks longingly at the swords* ... *turns slowly away and trudges back to Yagyuu* I'm good. GOLF TIME! *twirls his finger in the air, grinning slightly* Woo-hoo and all that.

Yagyuu: *so excited he isn't breathing* You're.... sure...?

Niou: Oh quite. *glances at the swords again and then quickly looks back at Yagyuu, beaming*

Yagyuu: Positive? That's your FINAL answer? *stares*

Niou: *rolls eyes* Yes, Regis. *apparently watches American tv shows*

Yagyuu: Okayalrightthen. *grabs Niou's wrist and speed-walks to the golf exhibit because he memorized the shortest way to it already* *mouth falls open when he sees all the paintings of golf balls and greens*

Niou: *stares in slight horror* ...They couldn't have had a tennis exhibit? Tennis balls HAVE to be more interesting looking than golf balls!

Yagyuu: There's nothing wrong with golf balls. *walks towards the first painting with that dazed look still on his face*

Niou: They're boring and WHITE. *follows, peering at the painting* Although they do stand out sort of nicely against the green, I guess. Good contrast.

Yagyuu: *nods blankly* Oh, Niou-kun, look! The first golf course in Japan. *pulls Niou over*

Niou: ... *bursts out laughing* I have mental images of samurai playing golf.

Yagyuu: *gives Niou a disapproving look* Some of the best golf players were samurai's.

Niou: *chokes slightly* ...Oh. *trying to hold back more laughter*

Yagyuu: *ignores Niou* Oh, and this one! *drags Niou again* When they made the clubs from wood. *fascinated*

Niou: Whoa, look at the markings on the club. The wood lines. *leans in closer* That's a loooot of detail.

Yagyuu: Mhmm. *pauses and turns to blink at Niou contemplatively*

Niou: *still studying the painting* Look, the artist did all the blades of grass, too. Instead of just a big glob of green.

Yagyuu: *tilts his head and smiles slightly before turning back to the painting* You're right. *walks over to the next* And this one?

Niou: *shoves his hands in the back pockets of his jeans and strolls after Yagyuu* That one has cool lighting. *points* The artist has it hitting the golf ball so that it highlights that the most, even though it's the smallest thing there. Whoever painted it probably sucked at drawing people, so it wasn't the player he wanted to emphasize, but all the equipment instead. *snorts* Look at how shiny the stupid golf club is. *snickers*

Yagyuu: *looking at Niou more than the painting* You've never said that you were interested in art.

Niou: *blinks* Eh... *laughs somewhat sheepishly* I have no idea what you're talking about! Any old fool would notice that sort of thing. Um. *skips off to another random painting, shoulders slouched*

Yagyuu: *decides to browse the other paintings instead of following after Niou, but watches him out of the corner of his eye*

Niou: *glances around and sees Yagyuu on the other side of the room* *gives him a SUSPICIOUS LOOK before turning back to the painting in front of him* *props his hands up on his waist, secretly admiring the use of color on the magenta golf ball*

Yagyuu: *angles his head really awkwardly to try and see Niou's reflection in the painting's frame* *realizes that the grooves and bumps that make up the frame's design make Niou look really warped and funny-looking* *pretends he wasn't doing anything suspicious when Niou gives him a suspicious look*

Niou: *moves onto the next one, trying to keep an eye on Yagyuu as he goes* *blinks at the painting* See, THIS is a good one.

Yagyuu: *pretends like he was absolutely enthralled in the painting in front of him* Hmm? *turns and walks over to Niou and stares at the painting for a minute or so* ... Why?

Niou: *points at the very top right hand corner* You don't see it? *grins* There's teeny tiny tennis courts in the background.

Yagyuu: *squints then shakes his head* Only you would notice that. Don't you like anything other than tennis? Anything besides video games? And destroying the golf club. And stealing my lunch. And copying my homework. And nearly failing your classes even though you copy my homework.

Niou: Che. *crosses his arms behind his head* Destroying the golf club isn't a HABIT of mine - that was just a passing fancy. *sticks his tongue out*

Yagyuu: Fine. Destroying things in general is your habit.

Niou: ...That's SLIGHTLY more true. *glances around to see if any of the other paintings look interesting* Do you want to go look at that abstract one of the golf clubs all twisted around each other like they're made of rubber?

Yagyuu: *looks at the abstract painting and twists his mouth* I don't usually look at abstract... *trails off and glances at Niou* But if you would like to.

Niou: It just looks funny. *steps closer to it* Like it could be real because the metal LOOKS real, but it's kind of impossible for clubs to bend and twist like that.

Yagyuu: *tilts his head to one side then the other* Those wouldn't work at all.

Niou: *snorts* No kidding. Who would do that to a golf club. That's practically a SIN. *innocent face*

Yagyuu: *deadpan* Yeah. I wonder who.

Niou: Certainly not me. Are we done here? Is there another room you want to go to? We should go there. Now.

Yagyuu: *blinks* I don't know. I only wanted to see this exhibit. Are you still hungry? There's probably a ramen shop or something nearby if you... want to go. *shrugs slightly*

Niou: *stomach growls right on cue* ...Ahaha. *shifty eyes* Let's get burgers this time!

Yagyuu: *wrinkles his nose* Burgers? Do we have to?

Niou: What's wrong with burgers? They're so greasy and GOOD.

Yagyuu: The greasy part.

Niou: The greasy part is the good part.

Yagyuu: Or scientifically proven to be the bad part.

Niou: *rolls eyes* One burger won't give you a heart attack. But fiiiine. We could get sushi or something.

Yagyuu: We'll get whatever's close. I can... deal with burgers.

Niou: *loops an arm around Yagyuu's neck and pulls him towards the exit* I'm not going to force you to eat grease on a bun, Yagyuu. I know how delicate your stomach is.

Yagyuu: *offended* I'm not delicate!

Niou: *snickers* Of course not. You definitely didn't run to the bathroom to hurl after you ate my pasta that one time. With the special sauce? REMEMBER?

Yagyuu: That has nothing to do with me being delicate and everything to do with you being a bad cook.

Niou: Not my fault you can't handle my original and unique recipes.

Yagyuu: I see that adjectives such as 'good' or 'delicious' are missing.

Niou: They're not needed, it should just be UNDERSTOOD that anything I cook will be awesome.

Yagyuu: I hope you mean awesomely toxic.

Niou: Hmph. I could stomach it.

Yagyuu: I'm not you. *pauses and ponders the irony of that*

Niou: *grins* Not all the time, anyway.

Yagyuu: Clearly. Your cooking would be better if it was.

Niou: *looks at Yagyuu* Are you saying you can cook?

Yagyuu: *looks back* Are you implying I can't?

Niou: *props his hands on his waist* Well I wouldn't know, would I?

Yagyuu: You've stolen my lunch before, haven't you?

Niou: ...You make those yourself?

Yagyuu: *looks away* Sometimes.

Niou: *pauses, watching Yagyuu* I changed my mind. Let's go to your house.

Yagyuu: *stops walking* What? Why?

Niou: So you can cook for me! *goofy grin*

Yagyuu: I'm not a housewife!

Niou: But Yaaagyuu! *clings to Yagyuu's arm* I want to see you cook! Do you wear an apron while you are?

Yagyuu: No, I don't. *doesn't make eye-contact* ... I guess it would be better than grease. *glances at Niou* Okay. Fine.

Niou: *beams* YES! Alright, cool. *starts dragging Yagyuu in the opposite direction* Your house it is!

Yagyuu: Hey-- stop pulling at me -- you can WALK you know! *tries to slow down*

Niou: I am walking! *doesn't slow down at all* I'm hungry though - I need FOOD. Let's go, let's go, stop dragging your feet!

Yagyuu: *sighs and gives up, letting himself more or less be HERDED to his house*

Niou: *hops up the front steps and doesn't bother waiting for Yagyuu and opens the door himself* Is anyone else home? *toes off his shoes in the entryway*

Yagyuu: *checks his watch* My parents won't be home for a few hours. I don't know where my sister is. *walks into the kitchen*

Niou: *follows, bouncing around all eagerly* Awesome, just us then? Hehe. What're you making me?

Yagyuu: *distracted while he searches for food, voice muffled as he sticks his head in some cupboards* Uh, yeah. Just us. *peeks out* I don't know. Do you want Japanese or something else?

Niou: *eyes widen* What can you make that's not Japanese?

Yagyuu: Anything with directions? *walks over to THE ISLAND and pulls open a drawer, taking out a bunch of recipe books* This one is Mexican, this one's Italian, this one's.... American but it's boring. *drops them all on the counter in front of Niou before continuing to rummage around* This one has soups, and this one salads, and this one has every chicken recipe known to man. *drops those down too and gestures to the pile* Find something and I'll tell you if I can make it.

Niou: ... *stares at the recipe books in awe* Oh man. *picks up the Italian one* Pasta or something sounds good... Are you good at that? *flips through the pages*

Yagyuu: It depends. *reaches over and flips to a bookmarked page* I can make that?

Niou: Penne? Hmm. *makes a big show of considering whether or not he wants that, then grins and hands the book over to Yagyuu* Alright! Make that one.

Yagyuu: *turns around and takes out all the ingredients that he magically has on hand, then takes out a pot, a grill, and a cutting board* *sets them all out then pauses and looks at Niou* Do you want to help... or something?

Niou: *was watching all of Yagyuu's movements like a hawk and blinks, startled, when he speaks* What- Help? Uh. I can if you want! *sheepish* If I won't like, you know, get in your way or mess you up.

Yagyuu: *holds up the pot* You know how to boil water, don't you?

Niou: ... *flat look* I think I can handle that, yeah. *takes the pot and goes to fill it up in the sink*

Yagyuu: *starts cutting up the tomatoes, then shredding the THREE KINDS of cheese* You know... you really didn't have to come to the museum with me.

Niou: *sets the pot on the stove and turns it on* I wanted to. And I said I would.

Yagyuu: *turns on the other stove and waits for the grill to heat up* You wanted to look at paintings of golf balls? *raises an eyebrow*

Niou: I wanted to go with you. I had fun. Anyway, the naked room was entertaining and made up for the golf. *smirks*

Yagyuu: *makes a face at the mention of the naked room* *places two pieces of chicken on the grill and pokes at them with the tongs* Do you -- I mean -- Are we -- *pauses* Nevermind.

Niou: *is watching the water very carefully since it was his only task* *absently* Are we what?

Yagyuu: Nothing. *prods at the chicken some more* Really.

Niou: *looks up* Yagyuu. *narrows his eyes a bit* What's up?

Yagyuu: *looks at the pot* Your water's boiling.

Niou: What- Geez. *makes a frustrated sound and lowers the temperature some* Where's the pasta?

Yagyuu: *points over at the counter* In the tupperware. My mom likes tupperware.

Niou: *fetches the tupperware!* Tell me what you were going to say. *dumps the pasta in the water*

Yagyuu: I... *pauses and chews on his lip while he thinks* Are we really... going on dates? Or are we just hanging out like usual and you're just calling them dates for fun?

Niou: Oh- *fumbles with the tupperware and almost drops it in the pot* Ahaha, whoops! Um, anyway. *pauses, then shrugs* That's...really up to you, I guess. *shifty eyes*

Yagyuu: *doesn't even pay attention to the fumbling and flips the chicken over absently* But you asked for a reason, didn't you?

Niou: Well. *shrugs again* I meant that I don't mind if they're actually dates... But I'm not going to force that on you if you'd rather it just be us hanging out. *swallows, then gives a huge grin that is almost TOO big* There, I said it. Ball's in your court now.

Yagyuu: *looks at Niou calmly* Just. You're not playing jokes this time. *bites his lip nervously* You're being serious?

Niou: *smiles more naturally this time, holding up his hands* No jokes! No tricks. *leans against the counter, crossing his arms* Excuse my twisted way of getting you out on those first dates, but it seemed easier than straight-up asking you out. *winks* Which is what I'm doing now.

Yagyuu: *turns and blinks in surprise, then smiles slightly as his face becomes slightly pink and he turns his attention to the ever-exciting chicken in front of him again* Alright.

Niou: ... *eyes widen* Eh? Alright? Seriously??

Yagyuu: *nervous suddenly* You said you weren't joking.

Niou: I'm not, I'm not! Just- *laughs sheepishly* I thought it'd be harder than that, ahaha. *rubs the back of his neck, then catches sight of the pot of noodles and curses, quickly checking to make sure they're not finished yet*

Yagyuu: *grateful for the distraction* It's fine. *goes to grab a colander and hands it to Niou before shutting off the stove* Drain it when it's done. *gets some bowls*

Niou: *goes about draining the pasta and all that, frowning a bit because it's a little bit TOO soft which means he overcooked it and it figures that he can't even boil noodles correctly* ...It might be SLIGHTLY overdone. Not my fault, though! You totally distracted me!

Yagyuu: As long as it's edible. *gives a reassuring smile and scoops the pasta into the bowls before topping with cheese, tomatoes, and the chicken that he PROBABLY cut up while Niou was draining the pasta and no, this isn't a dish from Applebee's, btw : |* It doesn't look bad.

Niou: Au contraire, it looks really good! *eyeing the food like he hasn't eaten in a week, rather than someone who's been chowing down on snacks all day* Let's eat!

Yagyuu: *pulls out two forks (what, they're so Japanese) and sticks them in the bowls before walking around the counter and sliding onto a stool, waiting for Niou to do the same*

Niou: *plops down onto the stool next to Yagyuu, pulling his bowl in front of him* Thanks for making this.

Yagyuu: Technically you made most of it. The pasta is the most important part. *stabs at the pasta in a gentleman-ly way*

Niou: The pasta would be bland and boring if not for the stuff you added to it. *stabs at the pasta in a very NOT gentleman-ly way*

Yagyuu: Is that a compliment?

Niou: *nods quickly, fork shoved in his mouth*

Yagyuu: *takes a bite and doesn't think before he speaks* Maybe we should just get married if you become this nice.

Niou: *promptly chokes on the pasta and starts coughing and hacking* I - I think you're - *coughs some more* - kind of getting ahead of yourself there - *clears his throat* - Yagyuu. Hah. *winks at him* Give me a couple dates and an engagement ring first, man.

Yagyuu: *eyes go wide* I didn't mean it like that! *turns bright red and goes really silent, pulling the pasta closer towards him*

Niou: Hahaha! Don't be shy NOW, not after you've just proposed to me! *goes all wistful and dreamy* I never imagined I'd be asked to marry someone over a bowl of overcooked pasta after spending the day looking at naked old people and twisted golf clubs. *sighs contently and very dramatically*

Yagyuu: Oh, shut up. *shoves at Niou's shoulder and eats his pasta extremely enthusiastically*

Niou: *snickers and digs into his own bowl, feeling stupidly happy with the day's events*

Yagyuu: *totally doesn't glance over at Niou periodically*

Niou: *definitely doesn't catch Yagyuu doing it every time*

Yagyuu: *holds Niou's han-- okay not really*

Niou: *hears wedding bells and imagines changing babies' diap-- right, I think we're done*

Yagyuu: *oh god D1 BABIES? D:*



Niou: *little African babies?*


Niou: *even though he's not African*

Yagyuu: *.....You are so racist*

Niou: *...they'll adopt one baby from every country in the world*

Yagyuu: *........maybe they'll just get a puppy*

Niou: *a dalmatian - named SPOT because they're clever*

Yagyuu: *it'll sleep on the bed with them even though Yagyuu hates it because Niou does the puppy-dog face with the actual puppy*

Niou: *Niou and the puppy are BFF, yo*

Yagyuu: *is Yagyuu going to have to fight for Niou's love? : |*

Niou: *he just might, it's an extremely adorable puppy, see*

Yagyuu: *;____;*

Niou: *>D*


Yagyuu: *YAAAAAAAAY!!!!*


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